La Alianza Dónut España (ADE) tiene como objetivo crear una nueva economía en la que todos/os prosperamos en sociedad y sin rebasar los límites ecológicos planetarios.
Para ello, este colectivo tiene la misión de desarrollar y aplicar los principios y teorías de la economía del Donut, en colaboración con ciudadanas/os, DEAL, gobiernos, instituciones, empresas y organizaciones.
Activities & Services
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Past Event
(Past) Un Donut de Economía Azul Sostenible: Días Donut Global 2024 en Cádiz
2024-11-07T11:30:00Z (Past)
Puerto Real, Cádiz, Spain
Posted by Alianza Dónut España - ADE
Past Event
(Past) DE network España - Charla con Las Kellys
2021-04-01T16:00:00Z (Past)
Posted by Alianza Dónut España - ADE
Past Event
(Past) Spain - Doughnut Economics network
2021-03-05T15:00:00Z (Past)
Posted by Alianza Dónut España - ADE
Juanjo Amate
Almeria, Spain
Environmental Scientist and Sociology Degree Sustainability Consultant Director of Sostenibilidad a Medida
luis Madrid
Calle De Ferraz 56, 28008 Madrid, Madrid, Spain
diseño estratégico, innovación sistémica.
Rocio Rodriguez
Amina Daschil
Valencia, Comunitat Valenciana, Spanien
Urbanism and its social dimension have fascinated me ever since I had an 'aha' moment in an anthropology lecture during my sociology studies. I have recently submitted my thesis on urban planning and gender mainstreaming and would like to continue to work on these issues to possibly help ensure that our cities offer equal opportunities for all people in the future. I am always open to exchange and cooperation, because together we can achieve a lot. I look forward to making new contacts on this platform (I speak German, English and Spanish).
San Sebastián, Euskadi, España
Economist, PhD in Development Studies. Associate Professor (University of the Basque Country). Researcher and public policy evaluator, focused in rural development and alternative food systems. Urban (and road) cyclist .
Carlota Bravo
Barcelona, Catalunya, España
My name's Carlota, I'm vegeterian and I live with two adopted rabbits in Barcelona. During my early ages, I have always been intrigided by the well used of the public resources in order to promoted equity in our society. For this reason, I studied both Business and Chemist but they didn't completely resolve my concers. I've been looking for alternative models for our way of living and this is how I arrived here! :)
Villaviciosa, Asturias / Asturies, España
I am a retired airline pilot with a high level picture of the planet and their living creatures.
Rodolfo Pereira
Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain
Son, father, brother, husband, friend, songwriter, dreamer and entrepreneur. In love with the unknown and passionate about all the things that can still be created and discovered. I see myself as a Multiverse and Nothing at the same time.