Discover the Community

Meet and join a community of pioneering changemakers from across the globe who are turning Doughnut Economics from a radical idea into transformative action.

Welcome to the DEAL Community!

The DEAL Community is everyone who is exploring the ideas of Doughnut Economics and pioneering ways to put the ideas into practice.

This includes educators, policy makers, community members, business people, artists, academics, designers, young people, facilitators, oh, and the occasional economist.

We believe economies of the 21st century will be practiced first and theorised later, and we believe they will be put inspired by the creativity, imagination, skill and perspectives of everyone.

That means everyone is welcome!

What we offer is an open-source commons of inspiration and tools to apply to your context, some created by the DEAL Team, but mostly created by members of the DEAL Community.

What we ask in return is that you use the ideas and tools with integrity, by following our guidelines as we lay out in our guidelines page.

Meet members of DEAL Community

Meet and join pioneering changemakers who are turning Doughnut Economics from a radical idea into transformative action. 

Maria del mar Gonzalez

Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

curiosity and wanting to learn and connect with new topics


Paris, France

What is more relevant than Deal concepts, tools and community to transform business models ?

alice Allan


Im currently Director of Collaborations with Business Fights Poverty. Supporting companies to do more on both #climate and social

Alicia Laufer

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States

Looking to bring audience and narrative strategy to the movement! I want to learn and be a resource.

Nicholas Chaplin


To connect and Network with member from all over the world

Sira Dheshan Naidu

London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom

If you're a founder looking for guidance, or an investor interested in backing purpose-driven brands, I'd love to connect. Let's w

Rita Antonieta Neves


To be part of change towards a more balanced and sustainable future

Marie Bonhomme

Paris, France

I want to better understand how to develop companies within the doughnut economic model.

Sevin Ozuguz

Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Yıldız Kampüsü, Istanbul, ...

As an architect, I want to discover the intersection of design world and climate action.

Local Groups & Networks

Self-organising networks turning the ideas of Doughnut Economics into action. Find a group or network in your area and get involved! 

Local governments in action

Pioneering places around the world are turning Doughnut Economics into practice. Local governments at many scales - from villages to megacities - are adopting the tools and concepts of Doughnut Economics in order to help bring about a thriving future.

Worthing Borough Council is exploring how the principles of Doughnut Economic can feed into their local policies. 

Bannau Brycheiniog  National Park Management Plan 2023-2028 The Park has developed a Park Doughnut and put it at the core of their National Park Management Plan 2023-2028, as a framework to define future actions, with the targets and indicators set to be used for monitoring progress. The Management Plan is a vision setting document, setting the high level objectives for the park through the Doughnut, with action plans then meant to be delivered in partnership with various stakeholders. The aim of this plan is to eliminate all of the red from the Doughnut diagram, and the plan defines five Missions in response to the biggest over-shoots.   

The City of Glasgow has ambitions to move towards a Green Wellbeing Economy in order to meet its social and environmental targets, and has joined C40's Thriving Cities Initiative. An important step in the process of becoming a thriving city is the creation of a (Doughnut Economics) City Portrait, a tool for thinking about Glasgow in a holistic and innovative way. University of Glasgow worked with the city to develop the first City Portrait, as part of the GALLANT project that uses Glasgow as a living lab to trial new sustainable solutions taking a whole-systems approach. In 2023, the Thriving Definitions of the first portrait (the Glasgow Doughnut) were adopted by the council to guide their future work, and to help forge new alliances across Glasgow's many organisations, businesses and individuals across the whole system. 

After commissioning a study evaluating the possibilities of applying Doughnut Economics in Tomelilla, the town is bringing Doughnut Economics into their work and policies in various ways - by basing their Sustainability Report 2022 on the Doughnut, planning the development of a new school based on the principles of Doughnut Economics, developing a Data Portrait, and exploring the development of an impact assessment and evaluation tool.   

Dublin City Council agreed a motion in 2022 to embed the principles of Doughnut Economics into their Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) - a statutory six-year plan, with the aim to expand from a sustainable growth-based framework to pursuing the wellbeing and prosperity for all people and the environment.

Since 2021, the local government of Valence Romans Agglo have been using the Doughnut as a tracking and monitoring tool for over 20 strategic projects, developing contextualised social and ecological indicators, evaluating the potential impact of these projects and steering their development. 

In 2022, Perak State launched their 5-year State Strategy that, as one of the strategy’s Flagship Programmes, sets an ambition for the city of Ipoh to be living in the Doughnut, and to use a monitoring framework using the Doughnut. 

Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES) are bringing Doughnut Economics into their core strategies, including their new Local Plan, to guide the review, prioritisation and improvement of policies and projects, based on their potential social and ecological impact.   

The Regional Spatial Strategy for Thimphu-Paro Region, led by the Royal Commission of Bhutan and the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement and developed by a team of architects led by Prior+Partners, uses Doughnut Economics as one of the guiding frameworks, aligning it with Bhutan's Gross National Happiness framework. 

The state of São Paulo is launching the Ecologic Economic Zoning (EEZ-SP), a planning tool that establishes guidelines for spatial and territorial management, according to the environmental and socioeconomic potentialities and vulnerabilities of the different regions of the Brazilian state of São Paulo, composed by 645 municipalities.   Doughnut Economics was one of the inspirations used for the conception of the methodology of construction of the zoning, based on the diagnosis and prognosis of the state in relation to five strategic guidelines: Resilience to Climate Change, Water Security, Safeguarding Biodiversity, Competitive and Sustainable Economy and Reduction of Regional Inequalities.  For its elaboration and implementation, the EEZ-SP relies on an integrated and shared platform with updatable and freely accessible territorial information, as well as on strategies of institutional articulation and of public participation. 

Organisations in action

Many consultancies, NGOs and others are putting Doughnut Economics into practice in their work. Find out who they are, and what they're doing. 

Syndercombe Consulting is an organisation of coaches, facilitators and trainers who support organisations, their leaders and their employees in their transformation to become regenerative organisations. We support their transformation into an organisation with a strong CSR DNA, capable of having a positive impact on the environment and communities, and with a strong business model that enables all stakeholders to prosper. We help them to: • Implement an ALIGNED CSR GOVERNANCE , • Develop a NEW LEADERSHIP that engages and motivates employees • Implement your vision using a SYSTEMIC APPROACH • Develop COLLABORATIVE RELATIONS internally and externally • Accelerate implementation with an ACTIONORIENTED APPROACH View our public declaration form here

EDU 4 U is a non-governmental organization- association that was established in 2014 to support and satisfy the educational, social and cultural needs of different target groups. The aim of the organization is to provide and promote the activities on local, national and international level in the field of education, social and cultural activities as well as to promote friendly relationship with foreign countries. EDU 4 U is an umbrella organisation for the club MasterPeace Slovakia which is a part of the MasterPeace Global. View our public declaration here

Our Main Mission We are your trusted advisor in the prevention of accidents at work. We are committed to sharing our knowledge, our experiences and to helping you implement innovative and sustainable HSE practices. We are committed to educate your employee in climate change issues , calculate your carbon footprint.   Secondary mission The consulting firm ViZé proposes to be a company at the service of companies: We are your department or outsourced service in the fields of logistics, Human Resources, Accounting Finance, Purchasing and Contracts, HSE. ViZé is your social security advisor. We are your future. View our public declaration form here  

buero gross is a Berlin-based sustainability and transitions consulting agency that researches, designs, and weaves new economies that make people and planet thrive. View our public declaration form here 

Regenalyze wants to contribute to a regenerative economy: an economy that meets the needs of all people while respecting the planetary boundaries. Regenalyze wants to: Develop and spread new ideas to bring a regenerative economy closer, such as Doughnut Economics. Explore what a regenerative economy concretely means for your company, city/region, knowledge institute, campus, or business park.  Help your organisation to analyse & improve its regenerative potential; Develop/design regenerative experiments & practices with clients, and scale them up.

Corporate Regeneration is a non-profit organization that seeks to integrate the echoes of the future generations and nature into organizations for transformative governance. View our public declaration here

Carra Santos is a cross-sector educator and interpreter, supporting creative enterprise, cities and communities to co-design the transition to sustainable futures.  Through the lens of people and place, she translates environmental, social and economic needs into practical understanding, solving real-world problems and unlocking opportunities through creative vision, values and relationships. Carra builds on twenty years in creativity and design with an MSc Sustainable Development in Practice (Distinction) to create uplifting and engaging environments for active learning within councils, businesses, organisations and communities. She promotes a deep understanding of the Doughnut Economics principles, their interconnections, and their potential. In particular, she draws on the Embedded Economy model to emphasise cross-sector innovation and collaboration, and unite the private sector, public sector, third sector and community groups in shared vision and understanding. Supported by Carra's broad knowledge and systems-thinking approach, her current Doughnut Economics education and facilitation examples include: • Joining the Doughnut Dots • The Four Lenses • The Doughnut Unrolled • Meet the Economy • Doughnut Design for Business Bespoke Doughnut Economics-aligned research, workshops, learning programmes and strategy development are available on enquiry.  View our public declaration here 

We offer ethical marketing and communications consultancy, support and training to businesses and organisations that are transformational. We don’t think it’s right that great marketing advice is only available if you’ve big bucks, or if your focus is profit above people and planet. Our aim is to democratise and simplify brilliant marketing, making it relevant for you if you’re about more than just money. We also know that solving our environmental crises means getting better at how we talk about them. So we help you do that, too. View our public declaration here

Effective strategies for committed consumer goods companies and their board of directors: to become ‘future fit’, and be a force for good. VIEW OUR PUBLICATION DECLARATION HERE 

Wicked is a pioneering community advancing the budding field of impact entrepreneurship. We promote and develop alternative business models and enterprise design structures that allow organisations to prioritise the maximisation of impact over shareholder profits. Wicked undertakes projects, organises events, hosts workshops, shares resources and connects people on an every-day-basis through their social media channels. View our public declaration here

Upcoming events

Upcoming Doughnut Economics events - both online and in-person - by and for the DEAL Community. Have a browse or host your own event! 





Tools & Stories

Open access tools that anyone can use to turn Doughnut Economics from a radical idea into transformative action; and inspiring examples and case studies of Doughnut Economics in action in a broad range of places and contexts.






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