Evento de bienvenida a la Alianza Donut España ADE
Grabación evento bienvenida a Alianza Donut España ADE. 14 de Febrero de 2024

El pasado 14 de febrero nos reunimos para presentar el grupo Alianza Donut España ADE.
En el vídeo podrás conocer a alguna de las personas que forman el grupo inicial, que explican la iniciativa.
Cualquier duda que tengas, puedes contactar con nosotros en el mail: hola@alianzadonut.es
También puedes estar al tanto de ADE en nuestra web: https://www.alianzadonut.es/
¡Anímate a participar!
Ester Ortega
San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid, Spain
I am very interested in learning about other economies and ways to create links with oneself, with others and with nature. Building interdependent neighborhoods where people take care of each other.
Asuncion Aguilar
Sophia Antipolis, France and Barcelona, Spain
After 20+ years in corporate strategy consulting and the tech business, I progressively switched my mindset and practices to supporting organizations in their transformational journey towards eco-social-compatible models. 🍩🌍 I am very inspired by the Doughnut Economics concepts and theory and as an action-oriented person pushing for transformative change, I enjoy guiding organizations through their journey to embrace regenerative and distributive dynamics, thanks to the powerful tools developed by the DEAL. I am an experienced facilitator and trainer of several Fresks (playful, collaborative, and creative workshops that raises awareness on several environmental and social issues) such as The Climate Fresk, The Planetary Boundaries Fresk, The Regenerative Economy Fresk, The Agri-Food Fresk, The Digital Fresk … I am engaged in several local initiatives around regenerative economy in my local area (French Riviera in South of France) to bring these concepts and theory into practice, via experimentation at community level. I am delighted to join this rich and inspiring community to engage in meaningful conversations, learn from you and share insights and practices.