Bath City Doughnut Learning Group: Change the Goal (Past)

In this session, we'll be sketching out our alternative, with a little systems thinking, and some practical imagination.

Session 2/9

"No more GDP economy!" we shout.
"Okay... what do you propose?" they shrug.
"The Doughnut!" we cry.
"A what…? Are you okay 👀?"

Fair enough. It's time to get a lot more specific and equipped to articulate. Let's sketch out our alternative, with a little systems thinking, and some practical imagination.


Usual scenario: grab a drink and head upstairs. Bring a pen, and a notebook to lean on in case we're squeezed. Newbies welcome, and please RSVP if you can (mainly so I don't under/overestimate materials).
And if you're staying for the wonderful People Planet Pint straight afterwards, please register here.

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
Buckminster Fuller

If you have any questions, please contact Carra Santos at





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