Doughnut Economics Education: A Teacher's Guide
An overview of the lessons, activities and teaching tools available on the DEAL Community Platform
Version 1.0 (Last updated: 02 October 2020)
What you'll find here is an evolving overview of the lesson plans, activities and other teaching tools available relating to the concept of the Doughnut, the Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist and Doughnut Economics in practice.
It contains both tools that are available now and some tools that are in development that will be shared on the platform soon.
Introductory lectures
Introductory lectures on Doughnut Economics
A series of four lectures covering the fundamentals of Doughnut Economics, hosted by Ubiquity University, introducing the core ideas of Doughnut Economics, how it can be applied to cities and businesses, and stories and insights from inspiring changemakers already putting these ideas into action, from the national scale, to the city or regional scale to the community scale.
Teaching tools relating to the Doughnut
What is the Doughnut?
A introduction to the concept at the heart of Doughnut Economics
Joining the Doughnut Dots
An activity for getting to know the dimensions of the Doughnut and their interconnections
Take a Stand
An activity to explore the diversity of views about whether humanity can get into the Doughnut by 2050
Doughnut Dreams
An activity to imagine your vision of a future when we are all living in the Doughnut
Teaching tools relating to the Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist
Meet the Economy
Exploring the four core spheres of activity at the heart of the economy: the market, state, household and commons
Economic Man vs Humanity: A Puppet Rap Battle
A playful introduction to the limitations of the model of humanity at the heart of mainstream economics
Introduction to Systems Thinking (In development)
Regenerative and Distributive Design
Three short videos introducing these core concepts
Youth Mayors Field Guide
Free, online curriculum / tools for teenagers to learn systems thinking, design thinking and the Doughnut to make change
How are we hooked into growth? (In development)
A lesson that introduces the growth paradigm and explores 8 reasons why mainstream economies are hooked into this goal
Teaching tools relating to Doughnut Economics in practice
Donut Days
A 7-step guide to introducing a 'Donut Day' in your school
Doughnut Unrolled tools
Exploring National Doughnuts
An interactive website hosted by the University of Leeds to visualise and explore Doughnuts for more than 150 countries
Innovations in the Doughnut (In development)
Kyungmin Lee
Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Co-Founder of Y-Donut (Yongin Doughnut Economics Coalition) and an active member of Neutinamu Makers and Supunro Cooperative at Neutinamu Library. PhD in Public Administration, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Governmental Studies at Korea University. Research focuses on integrating Doughnut Economics into grassroots policymaking to foster regenerative and redistributive communities.
Fabiola Maia
Fabiola Maia
Annette Garau
Sean Manley
Dan Hiridjee
Toulouse, France
Jayesh Pajwani
Focused on Business ‘Model’, ‘Process’, ‘Performance’ Transformation leveraging best-in-class consulting practices & technology enablers. A seasoned, versatile, adaptive, senior leader with three decades of experience in transformational leadership roles while working with Global SI /Consulting, Global ISV, & Growth stage ventures with equity ownership.
Ken Novak
St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa USA
Ken Novak, Ph.D. is a public speaker, father of eight children, retired military officer, a hospice bereavement support chaplain and adjunct university professor. I do believe the future belongs to the storyteller, and donut economics is rewriting the narrative of our shared humanity. Currently, I am trying a new project with my business ethics students in seeing if they can help "advise" Mr. Tom Vazzo, CEO of Homeboys Inc. and author of The Homeboy Way, in considering how his desire for "Economic Equality Capitalism" (p.146) can be framed within the considerations of donut economics, especially with respect to the social foundation. Mr. Vazzo's "new way forward" includes a radical idea of putting "our best business minds to use in creating companies with huge employment returns as opposed to creating companies with huge financial returns as the priority" (p.149). That's bending the curve of growth toward people, and specific for Vazzo's consideration it means "invest[ing] in people who are just beginning to see life bloom before them." #socialjustice, ,