Introducing Donut Economics to ESSEC students
Explaining to Urban Economics Chair's students what is Donut Economics and walking them through several case studies
As a first step to introduce Donut Economics as part of the graduate syllabus at ESSEC Business School, I offered the staff of the Urban Economics Chair to introduce Donut Economics and some case studies to students, alumni and staff. This guest lecture was a side event of the very insightful Building Beyond Festival organised each year by Leonard, the prospective lab of the French construction company Vinci.
- The Limits to growth (Meadows report, 1972) and the fact that our main economic indicator, the GDP, has several flows, and currently fails to guide us towards nations' prosperity
- The works of the Stockholm Resilience Center to shape and monitor Planetary Boundaries and the fact that 6 out 9 Planetary Boundaries are already crossed
- The 17 SDGs as humanity's agreed course for action and a graphic representation as concentric circles starting from ecological SDG to economical SDG as we shall focus first on knowing and preserving our environment before taking care of the way we shall administrate it
- How the Donut can be a helpful compass for us, making sure that our activities are falling within the planetary boundaries and reinforcing the social threshold
- Countries: questionning the way we define Development for nations and how countries are doing on helping the humanity reach the sweet spot (see Doing the Donut at the G20);
- Cities and territories: walking the students through the detailed examples of Brussels Donut (building and navigating the portrait), and Grenoble 2040 and the way real estate developers can use the Donut Unrolled Exploring a Topic workshop ;
- Companies: introducing the Donut Design for Business workshop as tool to help businesses be more regenarative and distributive and using Julia Faure's testimonial to highlight
- Business Schools: teaching Donut Economics, planetary boundaries and SDGs to students, writing research papers and leading applied research. I will lecture pre-graduate students next September and am looking forward to it (stay tunned...).
The public reacted all along the 1,5 hour lecture and were very enthusiastic.
I am very grateful for this session and hope students, alumni and staff of this Chair will help me contribute to turning the ideas of Donut Economics into action!
Doughnut Design for Business - Core Tool
DEAL’s guide to redesigning businesses through Doughnut Economics - Core workshop
Doughnut Economics Education: A Teacher's Guide
An overview of the lessons, activities and teaching tools available on the DEAL Community Platform
Doughnut Unrolled: Data Portrait of Place
A handbook of approaches for collecting targets and indicators across each of the four lenses for your place
Doughnut Unrolled: Exploring a topic
A selection of approaches to explore a specific topic through the Four Lenses be it a policy, project or possibility