Launch of the West Cork Doughnut Economy Network

Recording of the launch of an Irish DE network, incl. presentation by Rob Shorter (DEAL)

After almost two years of conversations (mostly online) and (closed) topic-based and place-based meetings with people from various community groups but also policymakers and other stakeholders, we decided to 'officially' launch the network on Zoom. The latter also as we are a regional network in a municipal district (see below) that comprises nine small towns and numerous villages. So we will be operating online for the foreseeable future as well as organising smaller meetings in person and (hopefully) workshops using the DEAL tools as a point of  departure.

Before the launch took place, it was felt to be a formality but it turns out to be more than that.
It gives status, substance, something for people to reach out to.
And it has given us ideas about how to proceed.
Some are local - i.e., place-based - including mental health, whereas others could involve people from other areas in Ireland or even (via DEAL?) the world. Especially around the topics of divestment and the research into products that are used in daily life but also influence people and place elsewhere on the planet.

Below is a link to the recording of the launch, which also contains the answers to four questions that the participants were asked:

1.     What would it mean for you, personally, to thrive?

2.     Are there aspects of your local or regional area where you would like to see positive change? Please explain your answer in a few words.

3.     How are you interacting with the 'planet' on a global scale, both positive and negative?
4.     Where will you put your energy when addressing global issues? 

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Frank Dorr (Shep Earth Aware)
Katie Man (Cycle Sense, Skibbereen Greenways)
Rob Shorter (DEAL),
Liz Creed (Transition Town Kinsale, One Future)

We used the first part of this video by way or introduction

If you'd like to get into contact please email 





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