Hamburg founds a Doughnut Coalition!

Doughnut enthusiasts strive for Hamburg to become a Doughnut City. After Kate Raworth's visit we took the first steps

In September 2020, a couple of Doughnut enthusiasts met in Hamburg and have since then, during many digital meetings, formed a small group. On 16th March 2021, Kate Raworth visited Hamburg and inspired even more people. Less than a month later we founded the Doughnut Coalition Hamburg! See the full timeline here.
We see the Doughnut as a tool to drive forward the socio-ecological transformation in Hamburg and aim for a city inside the sweet spot of the doughnut.

Do you live in Hamburg and want to join the Doughnut Coalition? Then let us know and sign up here.

We also have a Slack-Workspace. If you want to join just write an e-mail to





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