From Doughnut to Data Monitor in Amsterdam

How Amsterdam is turning the Doughnut into a practical tool for data collection on circular economy

The City of Amsterdam has committed to becoming a 100% circular economy by 2050, and in early 2020 the City launched its new Circular Economy Strategy, which was created with the Doughnut as a core design tool.

Juan-Carlos Goilo is Senior Information Specialist at the City of Amsterdam, leading the City's work on turning the Doughnut into a practical set of indicators for monitoring the city's transformation, especially in relation to creating a circular economy.

In this 21 minute presentation Juan-Carlos describes how the City is turning the Doughnut model into a practical framework for the City, by building a data monitor on the principles of the Doughnut, and building a data-collection system that will reflect the emerging circular economy in the city.

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This presentation was first given by Juan-Carlos Goilo at a Circular Economy workshop organised by the City of Hamburg in May 2020.

View his presentation slides from the workshop.

Read more about Amsterdam's policy on Circular Economy, including more detailed documentation of the city's plans to turn the Doughnut into a tool for monitoring circularity in the city. 





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