Bath's #GlobalDonutDay Urban Photo Walk

How 'The Power of Pictures' brought us together to explore our common ground, on our common ground.

In Bath, we showed our informal appreciation for Global Donut Day by picking up on one of Kate Raworth's core messages, 'The Power of Pictures', as a means to spend time with each other and honour our shared city's heritage and creativity by simply... going for a lunchtime walk.

Carra and Anushka led the group on an architectural safari to spot and snap the subliminal Doughnut shapes within the unique UNESCO World Heritage Site we share.

We used the powerful Doughnut visual as a simple tool to bring us together in the fresh air - different ages, backgrounds, interests and professions - discussing our different perspectives, and exploring our common ground, on our common ground.

Synchronising watches in case anyone goes rogue. (Ian went rogue.)

Lovely architecture students being studenty :D

Walking and talking about Doughnut Economics and our different perspectives with new friends.

Unexpected industrial Doughnut in lovely light.

Stumbling across unexpected Doughnut shapes in the hidden, never-before-encountered Bath Medical Museum.

Gen, and her arty reflection.

Gen again, with her shoes.


Ian's magnificent collage.

Concept and story by Carra Santos Sustainable Futures.
Banner 'Doughnut' photos and walkabout photos by Anushka, Gen, Rakesh and Carra.





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