Friend / Follower System
Allow members to follow/friend each other and get updates from each other.

Last Updated: 19/03/2024 - This idea is currently on hold in favour of higher priority updates.
The DEAL Community Platform was designed to enable people from around the world to connect with each in order to turn the ideas of Doughnut Economics into action. Currently, however, the options for connecting with other members are limited.
What is the essence of this suggestion/idea?
Allow members to 'follow' or 'friend' each other in order to receive notifications about their recent activity (posting comments, tools, stories and so on). This could also be used to unlock the option to send direct messages to one another.
What are the potential benefits of this suggestion/idea?
Help members keep up to date with the work of specific people they are interested in. Create opportunities for peer-to-peer inspiration, engagement and collaboration.
Who would benefit from this suggestion/idea?
Any members looking to stay in the loop with updates from particular members, as well as those who have (or are beginning to form) connections and collaborations with other members.