WHAM Gameplay - Empowering Learning Ecosystems

WHAM Gameplay the curious, creative & dynamic card game for thriving & flourishing in these complex, ever-change times.

What is WHAM Gameplay?
WHAM Gameplay is a curious,  creative and dynamic card game (system) that reveals learning pathways for thriving and flourishing in these complex, ever-changing times.

WHAM Gameplay empowers Learning Ecosystems (formal, hybrid and informal structures for learning) about and for wellbeing and health of me and we, place and planet, and brings the innovative, evidence-informed Wellbeing and Health Alignment Model (WHAM) to life in fun and engaging ways. It is a result of a six-year systemic inquiry centered around mental health,  education and place-based systems change, and now provides an adaptive systems tool that integrates integrating wellbeing and health sciences, indigenous and spiritual wisdom, surf culture, systems thinking and a trauma-informed regenerative spirit.

Who is WHAM Gameplay for?
WHAM Gameplay is adaptable to cultural-contextual social field by design and is based on a transformational / beneficial and regenerative / holistic inner development and a potential of place (place, organization or ecosystem) collective action approach. This adaptable approach meet people and communities where they stand in the system. 

WHAM Gameplay translates multiple complex concepts into a non threatening tool that is equally engaging for academics, educators, learners, changemakers, policy makers, families and community members of all ages and abilities.  The "play as" concept allows for different narratives to frame the game dynamics, meaning and purpose to meet diverse cultural -contextual social fields.

How does WHAM Gameplay work?
The mechanics of the game are based on a Dynamic Alignment theory of change, defined as the alignment of beneficial and holistic flow, energy-information exchanges within and between the interdependent parts of a living system. The central triple-loop wavelike pattern represents Dynamic Alignment with its thru-flow, inflows and outflows that reveal themselves and dissolve during the course of the game.  Simply, WHAM Gameplay has a designated lineup of 13 cards, and starts in one the three takeoff spots and then collectively players form and complete the lineup placing cards above, below and beside cards already forming the lineup. The Dynamic Alignment cards are wild, and other advance moves  assist the order and pace of play till one player is in position to ride out the round and the other players use the last sets to end there go with grace. 

What's unique about WHAM Gameplay?
WHAM Gameplay cards are based on a system of inner development or inner nature, incorporating field of research that when combined as a whole dynamic model have a synergetic effect. The visual aspects of the lineup of the cards is underpinned by two intersecting indigenous frameworks interwoven with elements from wellbeing and health sciences, spiritual wisdom and surf culture, systems thinking and a trauma-informed regenerative spirit.  The WHAM Gameplay cards (54 =4 x 14 types) from the takeoff area: AWAKEN CARIING, FOCUSED ATTENTION, OPEN AWARENESS. Below the takeoff area - Ways of KNOWING, Ways of BEING, Ways of DOING. Above the takeoff area - Levels of CONNECTEDNESS, Levels of CONSCIOUSNESS, Levels of ADAPTIVENESS. The four card around the outside of the lineup, like points of a compass - N, Sense of Becoming, S - Sense of Belonging and E and W are VITAL ENGAGEMENT and QUIET LEADERSHIP, with DYNAMIC ALIGNMENT as the wildcards.  Ultimately WHAM Gameplay cards are a card game system adaptable a variety of game styles and game mechanics, which we encourage groups to co-create their own contextual way to play. We have trialed rummy, whist, solitaire and shedding styles of play.  In our research we discovered the dominant French suited decks used around the globe are an artifact of colonization and  we sense the A, K, Q and J,  and type of symbolism related to inequity, inequality, class and hold aspects of embodied intergenerational trauma for some. 

More details to follow...  





    Teresa Raquel Barata

    sharing ideas about sustainability and the circular economy

    Don Dwiggins

    Northridge, Los Angeles, California, United States of ...

    I've been interested in the economic aspects of sustainability for many years, beginning with a focus on relocalizing economies.


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