Making the Doughnut Real with a Doughnut Deal!

Doughnut Deals as a tool for multiple value creation and new democracy

The Doughnut Deal - from concept to implementation -was born in June 2019 in Amsterdam. Since then 12 Doughnut Deals came into being. The last one evolved to an international Doughnut Deal, with 12 partners, e.g. Grenoble Metropole. Read more in the brochure about it. In the text below more details about the design principles and protected use of the term. Feel free to follow our examples and make it fit for your specific situation!

Goal: Design Principles Doughnut Deals and protected use of the term

A Doughnut Deal is intended as a practical translation of the Doughnut Economy, focused on the HOW: how do 'we' get into the donut, in order to create a more integrated impact. At the same time, a Doughnut Deal is intended to achieve democratic renewal by changing the playing field and the rules of the game. See video:

Design principles

There are 3 integrally related Design Principles:
• Work on at least 1 issue from the outside of the Doughnut
• Combine that with at least 3 issues from the inside of the Doughnut
• Do this with at least 2 parties and record the agreements in an agreement in which a tilted COOPERATION is central: equal, reciprocal, fair and transparent.


The Doughnut Deals concept was developed in June 2019 by Anne Stijkel of the Cocratos Foundation while working on an integral sustainable project in Gaasperdam, in which, in addition to sustainability, multiple value creation and democratic renewal were central. Since then, the concept has been operationalized several times in Co-operative de Groene Hub. The 1st 8 Doughnut Deals are co-signed by Kate Raworth, the designer of the Donut Economy; the 1st international Doughnut Deal is in preparation (Oct 18, 2022). See 1.pdf.

Doughnut Deal Expertise Center

The Donut Deal Expertise Center is located in Co-operative de Groene Hub. This Expertise Center is a partnership of Cocratos, Co-op. Energie Samen and Co-op. de Groene Hub and builds on the knowledge and experience that has been built up with the 1st 8 Donut Deals. We are happy to share that knowledge; we help/advise organizations upon request in forming, developing, strengthening and evaluating new Doughnut Deals.

Creative Commons

Given the power and impact of Doughnut Deals, the Creative Commons 4.0 code applies to the use of the term Doughnut Deal: use of the term is permitted provided the source is acknowledged, acknowledgment/application of the above Design Principles and no commercial purpose. If you prefer to apply this Code of Conduct, please report this to the Expertise Center so that we can invite you to the annual signing moment in the presence of the jury.

Knowing more

For inspiration: For questions:




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