IC Students Thinking Like 21st Century Economists

The aim of these Grade 4-12 interactive workshops is to make reimagining economics less complicated & more impactful

The following PDF is a version of two 90-minute workshops run with grade 4-12 students at Western Academy of Beijing and Frankfurt International School as part of their Inspire Citizens Future Now leadership and changemakers learning experiences and certification.

Our Student Leadership Toolkit empowers Grade 4-12 students through interactive learning experiences with over 100 skills, tools, strategies, and frameworks embedded in 25 active learning and leadership experiences.  Along with harmony with nature, social cohesion and justice, humane technology, and collective-well-being, Doughnut Economics is one of our foundational "futures literacies" that we help learners in exploring and taking informed action as part of our overall goal of education for sustainable development and global citizenship.

Thank you to the United Nations, Gapminder, Facing the Future, Our World in Data, Project Zero, and DEAL for supporting this learning with fantastic resources, research, and inspiration.




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