Ecosocial Equilibrium

An optimal state of a living system - thriving and flourishing together in complex, ever-changing times

Ecosocial Equilibrium, an optimal state of a living system - thriving and flourishing together in complex, ever-changing times. 

Taking inspiration from Lewin heuristic formula related to behavior, people and their environment, the Ecosocial Equilibrium (EE) equation is a viewpoint to apply to all living things.  The equation provides a theoretical model that emerged through an iterative systemic inquiry to reveal leverage points to shift living systems toward more desirable states of functioning. 

The EE equation, EE∝DA(BH)⇣FV⇡FE⊕∇T, reflects that Ecosocial Equilibrium (EE), the optimal state of a living system, emerges proportionally (∝) to the Dynamic Alignment (DA) of Beneficial (B) and Holistic (H) energy-information flows within and between its interdependent parts, a process that minimises(⇣) Variational Free Energy (FV), and optimises (⇡) Free Energy (FE), generating positive synergetic effects (⊕), over time (∇T). 

Through this iterative process a foundational principle, Dynamic Alignment, was conceptualised and has evolves as new knowledge is revealed and embodied within the reflect, learn, adapt cycles. 

Dynamic Alignment (DA), can be defined as the alignment of beneficial and holistic energy-information exchanges (thru-flows, inflows and outflows) within and between the interdependent parts of a living system, and such alignment brings Free Energy to life. Free Energy (FE), can be defined as the available energy of a living system to align with, embody and do meaningful work in service of wellbeing and health of all - of me and we, place and planet. 

The expanded version of the DA model incorporated in the Wellbeing and Health Alignment Model (WHAM), identifies the interdependent parts and fields, the competencies and capabilities, mediators and moderators, and conditions that form a cohesive whole.

To improve the likelihood of interdisciplinary research to collaborate and test the aspects of these next phases of our work, we set out key Universal Operational Definitions (UOD), umbrella terms to connect fields and disciplines.

Wellbeing is a beneficial (individual, societal, ecological and planetary) state or scale of functioning.

Health is a holistic (individual, societal, ecological and planetary) state or scale of functioning. 

Conditions are the combination of all factors and forces that influence a living system at any time. 

Functioning is the functions, patterning, structures, form, thru-flows, inflows and outflows of a living system and its interdependent parts.

Recently the prediction, Dynamic Alignment Brings Free Energy to Life, provides a vantage point, and a simplified equation, DA(⇡FE), to view a state of functioning beyond homeostasis and allostasis- maintaining balance in preparing for and responding to change. 


This theoretical future state we conceptulised as Ecosocial Equilibrium (EE), an optimal state of a living system - thriving and flourishing together in complex, ever-changing times we outline methods to effectively understand and then communicate the EE, DA and FA relationships.  To clarify this position, we engaged in tri-directional, cyclical process. This iterative process, reflect, learn, adapt was within and between: formulating the EE equation; defining a mapping sentence that effectively conveys the EE equation; and prototyping a practical and accessible application of the EE equation through gamifying WHAM. 


Importantly, as new knowledge informed one of the parts of the process, it influence the other two parts, creating multiple evolutionary cycles influenced by a Developmental Evaluation and Beneficial Action principles.


The knowledge systems that shaped and guide this evolving interdisciplinary process now collaboratively form an evidence-informed equation and play-based system to explore and actualise the transformational and regenerative potential of a place, an organisation or an ecosystem.

The Tridec game system, (Tridec) is due for release in early 2025 and provides an innovative playing card deck that is adaptable to contextual and cultural conditions and makes gameplay accessible to meet players wherever they may be in their regenerative learning journeys.


Tridec derives its name from the base-13 structure of its model, trideca, being thirteen, e.g. tridecagon, a 13 sided geometric shape. The underpinning principles of WHAM translate into the game deck and act as a conduit and enabler to co-designing new games and game mechanics, dynamic and aesthetics for these times. Tridec provides a patterning, structure and form to mirror and engage with the shifting regenerative words, thoughts and actions and resonating within and from communities across the globe. 


Tridec’s is a living systems evolution of the French-suited, standard deck (52 cards and jokers) that has dominated gameplay for centuries. We see the standard deck now as an artefact of the many isms that do not serve us well. Tridec offers a platform that's much more than a game, it’s a regenerative inner-nature toolkit in the palm of your hands. 

To populate the Tridec deck in both a tabletop and digital accessible versions, a initial model building style of game was prototyped and trialled to test the proof of concept. Through a series of community gameplay and feedback sessions and academic and educational consultations the game cards and principal model building game evolved to become the Above Beside Below:  A dynamic wild card game bringing free energy to life.

Above Beside Below will be the first game released (due in early 2025), which to brings the Tridec's evidence-informed methods and principles to a wide audience through establishing communities of play in diverse contextual and cultural settings.

Ecosocial Equilibrium, The EE equation, Dynamic alignment and the Above Beside Below game are Wellbeing and Health Organisation (Australia) Initiative based on the Wellbeing and Health Alignment Model © 2024 CC BY-NC 4.0  WHO.ORG.AU  





    David Wright over 1 year ago

    Thank you Nuno for your comments. Ecosocial Equilibrium is an emerging and evolving concept that forms part of a larger of body of work, which we will release shortly under the Wellbeing + Health Collaboration through Catalyst 2030. If you would like further information please email me directly. Kind regards and thank you for caring. David

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    Nuno Ramos over 1 year ago

    Interessant view that could really determine our future as society. A model to be implemented in school from the beginning... Thanks for this contribution.

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