Doughnut Principles of Practice
A PDF of the Doughnut Principles of Practice ready to print
Version 1.0 (September 2020)
DEAL has developed a set of principles to guide our own evolution and our choice of collaborations. We ask that these principles are placed at the heart of any project and initiative that aims to put the ideas of Doughnut Economics into practice.
Vision for the Shropshire Hills in Doughnut form
We've used the doughnut model as the basis of a visual Vision for the Shropshire Hills National Landscape
Introducing Doughnut Economics to Izmir, Türkiye
The Izmir Gevrek Model, aiming to live in a thriving, regenerative and inclusive Izmir
Mexico City's International Donut Day 2023
About the First International Donut Day in Mexico City, going where the (sustainability) energy is.
Bogotá-Building community-Schools and citizens
Last months in Bogotá we have been doing events with citizens and schools to put the doughnut teachings into practice.
ChatGPT Meets Doughnut Economics
Designing Doughnut Products and Supply Chains Using Generative AI
Innovating, Designing and Engineering Doughnuts
Design for Sustainability and Circularity Framework, Fit for the 21st Century
One Small Town
Small Towns where business, community and commons are cooperatively owned
TIME Magazine Special Issue on Countdown 2030
TIME Magazine 1 Feb 2021 special issue on Countdown 2030 - Why 2030?
Ann Wexler
Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Michael von Kutzschenbach
FHNW, Basel (Switzerland)
I am a practitioner and an academic in the field of sustainable business. I completed my study in forest and environmental sciences at the University of Freiburg (Germany) and at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway) and attained a doctoral degree on the influence of informal networks on the learning capabilities of organizations. My professional interests lie in the interaction of hard and soft systems thinking, especially in the areas of organizational learning and nascent entrepreneurship for “more sustainability” in an increasingly "digital" world.
Natália Machado-Flood
Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland
Economics is life
Singapore, Singapore
Hannah Lind
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Post Graduate Diploma student in Professional Communication at Douglas College. Communicating the right things, in the right ways, matters to me. I am furthering my passion to make life-enhancing information more accessible with the use of ethical design and communication practices. My most recent post was as Bereavement Services Manager at Highland Hospice, where I led on the ethical redesign of our service to serve the needs of our community in its widest sense. This involved reflecting on what bereavement care is, who provides it, how we promote rather than undermine resilience, accessibility of support, how it can be accessed in local spaces, who potentially benefits and loses out and so much more. I’m deeply interested in my part in reshaping communities and societies to recognize our interconnectedness with each other, our surrounding environment and biosphere. I want to be part of the solution! Let's utilize AI in the right ways, for the right purposes!
Sydney Nolan
Dublin, Leinster, Ireland
Bits and pieces put together to present a semblance of a whole (brownie points if you know where it's from!)
Julian Mundszinger
Gentiana Nasi
City of London, England, United Kingdom
I am Gena; have lived in lots of places and am currently in London. I identify myself as a platonist and my focus is to dedicate my energy to "the true", "the good" and "the beautiful". Understanding the nature of reality and helping perpetuate the above triad with every decision I take can be undeniably challenging. Often intent guides actions, and I used to think that constant and conscious alignment with the intent is bound to derive the desired manifestation. However, our world is complex, and often the right intent isn't sufficient - our actions, although well intended, have unintended consequences and externalities, and the incentives society, business and culture project upon us often derive undesired results. This realisation has recently guided me towards learning more about systems thinking, complexity science, sustainability, circular economy and also to joining this community.