Doughnut Principles of Practice
A PDF of the Doughnut Principles of Practice ready to print
Version 1.0 (September 2020)
DEAL has developed a set of principles to guide our own evolution and our choice of collaborations. We ask that these principles are placed at the heart of any project and initiative that aims to put the ideas of Doughnut Economics into practice.
First California DEAL Meetup
Californians get mobilized to co-create a DEAL coalition for California
London DEAL Members First Meet-Up: Highlights
Inspired by the Amsterdam Donut, Londoners are co-creating a DEAL coalition for London.
Bring the Doughnut to Berlin!
Learn more about the first meeting of Doughnut enthusiasts in Berlin
Donut Desire
What is the roadmap to a Doughnut Economy? 5 tips!
From Doughnut Meetups to Doughnut Movement
How a Doughnut learning community started in Amsterdam
Curaçao Doughnut Economy
Since the full lockdown of COVID-19 in March 2020 in Curaçao, Curaçao Doughnut Economy movement has emerged.
Neighbourhood Doughnut - CIVIC SQUARE
A short history of our journey with Doughnut Economics and what is coming up in Birmingham, UK
Marianna Digka
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
Economist, Theologist, Photographer currently working in innovation for the energy sector.
Cathy Little
Grey Highlands, Ontario, Canada
I'm a second-term Councillor with the Municipality of Grey Highlands, a geographically large, rural municipality with a population of 10 000+. My responsibilities include Community and Economic Development Liaison, Economic Development Advisory Committee Member and Conservation Authority Board Member. My personal experience and professional life led me to Doughnut Economics. I am excited to learn and share with my community.
Lina Hayek
London, UK
Design Consultant
Martin Brown
Lancashire UK
Sustainability Provocateur - decades of experience in built environment, advocating for and supporting organisations rethink sustainability towards a regenerative economy. Author FutuREstorative. VP Living Future Europe, VC COSTRestore, ILFI Hero 2018. Founder #ZoomRegenerative 2020
Markus Neubauer
Wien, Österreich
I am interested in how to introduce the doughnut into businesses so that our businesses help us to thrive within the doughnut. I am happy about all ideas and literature recommendations regarding this topic.
Amandine Sabourin
Brussels, Région de Bruxelles-Capitale - Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Belgium
Researcher on public policies of cooperation and development, I now advocate for local governments active in decentralised cooperation. Interested to applying the doughnut to the local level!
Tennille Mares
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Yuge Lei
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany
Frankfurt Doughnut Coalition - I am an economist 10+ years of experience in the field of international development with a focus on sustainable infrastructure. I am immensely passionate about sustainability and climate action, striving to do my part to create a cleaner and more just world for future generations.