Doughnut Principles of Practice
A PDF of the Doughnut Principles of Practice ready to print

Version 1.0 (September 2020)
DEAL has developed a set of principles to guide our own evolution and our choice of collaborations. We ask that these principles are placed at the heart of any project and initiative that aims to put the ideas of Doughnut Economics into practice.

TIME Magazine Special Issue on Countdown 2030
TIME Magazine 1 Feb 2021 special issue on Countdown 2030 - Why 2030?
First California DEAL Meetup
Californians get mobilized to co-create a DEAL coalition for California
London DEAL Members First Meet-Up: Highlights
Inspired by the Amsterdam Donut, Londoners are co-creating a DEAL coalition for London.
Bring the Doughnut to Berlin!
Learn more about the first meeting of Doughnut enthusiasts in Berlin
Donut Desire
What is the roadmap to a Doughnut Economy? 5 tips!
From Doughnut Meetups to Doughnut Movement
How a Doughnut learning community started in Amsterdam
Curaçao Doughnut Economy
Since the full lockdown of COVID-19 in March 2020 in Curaçao, Curaçao Doughnut Economy movement has emerged.
Neighbourhood Doughnut - CIVIC SQUARE
A short history of our journey with Doughnut Economics and what is coming up in Birmingham, UK
Rob Ward
Leading on sustainability for the organisation responsible for making the UK's nuclear waste permanently safe, sooner. Our mission to protect people and the environment involves application of the waste hierarchy and circular economy principles as well as major infrastructure development, and our impact will be felt by communities and society for multiple generations.
Marc Fritzler
Munich, Germany
marc fritzler (München) stärkt seit 2001 das Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement und die Kommunikation von werteorientierten Unternehmen und Organisationen mit Konzepten und Texten. Eine Manufaktur für den Wandel. kreativ ∘ kompetent ∘ konstruktiv #Nachhaltigkeit #CSR #GlobalGoals
Katherine Cunningham
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
I started with a bachelor of Business in Entrepreneurship where no one even whispered the word cooperative. Then spent the last 4.5 years learning all about Worker Cooperative Start ups with Earthworker. From this created a Cooperative Bootcamp where we take in groups of 5 people with a feasibility analysis of their business idea that they want to make into a worker coop. I am excited to see what the the DEAL work looks like alongside this work.
Denise Taylor
Rugby, UK
I founded Wylde Connections with my daughter with the aim of helping businesses embed sustainability in their companies and operations. We are both passionate about biodiversity as an underlying theme in our work, which is often not on the sustainability radar of most companies. I am also a founding council member of the International Wildlife Coexistence Network. Wylde is also a learning organisation and we are in the process of developing and launching online courses about embedding sustainability in businesses. We are advocates of Doughnut Economics and spread the word whenever and wherever we can through our consultancy and education and training practice.
Phil Holden
Shropshire, England, United Kingdom
I'm the Manager of the team that works for the Shropshire Hills National Landscape. We have been exploring the Doughnut model for a few years and are now trying to apply it through our next five year Management Plan for the area.
Alice Peperell
Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Helping people & planet-focused teams and projects to thrive. 10+ years of cross-sector production and operations experience spanning sustainability, social change, arts and culture marketing and live events. Particularly interested in harnessing the power of community, collaboration & collective action to drive sustainability, social justice and co-design regenerative spaces and places.
Erika Pihl
Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia
Gustave Campigneulles