Doughnut by Country Level

Interactive doughnut chart that can be filtered by country

I first heard about the Doughnut Economy in April 2022, and have been inspired by it ever since. So I've developed this interactive chart that displays both the social foundation and ecological ceiling of each country.

<< Click here >> to view the visualization.

For the former boundary, the data is extracted from World Bank and Unicef API, and I did some transformation on some of their metrics. As for the latter, it is not easy to get them so I extracted it from the scientific journal article by Fanning and team.

Fanning, A.L., O’Neill, D.W., Hickel, J., and Roux, N. (2021). The social shortfall and ecological overshoot of nations. Nature Sustainability in press.

This tool is a meant to something and to influence others towards a thriving change, and I will continuously improve on it. Thus please do not hesitate to provide me with feedback, critiques or suggestions.




    Robert Austin almost 2 years ago

    @Felix Surjadjaja
    Is it possible to get a spreadsheet that shows all the display values for each Doughnut Chart?

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    cristina sarris almost 2 years ago

    Hello dear @Felix Surjadjaja  we are impressed and excited with this tool. Congrats! 

    I am a member of the Greek network. In one month, we will present the Doughnut at a conference. in Athens. We will use this tool. 

    Could you please help us with the following doubt? Why in some cases the "actual value" is different from the "displayed value"? 

    Thank you in advance

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    Felix Surjadjaja almost 2 years ago

    Hi Christina, glad you have found it useful.

    The [display value] represents how far off that category from the doughnut. 0% indicates closest to doughnut and 100% farthest.

    I used a very basic method to convert the [actual values] for some categories i.e. Corruption Perception Index and Gini Index so that they can fit into the Doughnut Economy concept.

    This Google Sheet shows the list of categories in which their [display value] differs from their [actual value]. The calculation is reflected on the cell under column F. This is one way of converting them, and I'm sure there is a much better method to do this.

    Hope that helps. If not, please feel free to reach out.


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    Miguel Aderaldo about 2 years ago

    Hey, @Felix Surjadjaja ! Great work and excelent colaboration for the cause! I'd love to use it on the application of the doughnut theory in my universtiy! Would it be possible to share with us the source code (on github, maybe) where we would have more freedom to play along with? And thank you! 

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    Felix Surjadjaja about 2 years ago


    @Miguel Aderaldo . Thanks for your feedback, and excited to hear that you will be using the doughnut theory in your university. Here's the repo for that tool:

    Feel free to play with it, and all the best.

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    Felix Surjadjaja over 2 years ago

    Hi  @Zoe Emmett , one way to make a comparison of countries is to open two browser windows and place them side-by-side. I will see what I can do to make the comparison easier while maintaining the readability of the details.

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    Zoe Emmett over 2 years ago

    This is a great tool - is there any way that you can have a side-by-side comparison of countries? 

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    Felix Surjadjaja over 2 years ago

    Hey @Sam Miyamoto   glad that you found it useful. I used d3 and Typescript, and deployed it in Netlify.

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    Sam Miyamoto over 2 years ago

    Thank you,  @Felix Surjadjaja !

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    Sam Miyamoto over 2 years ago

    Felix, this visualization looks terrific and is very helpful. I appreciate you mentioning your API sources. If you don't mind me asking, what tech stack did you use?

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