Cornwall Doughnut Economics Playbook
A simple online hyperlinked tool for community groups learning to think Doughnut - easy to create your own version!
Version 1.0 ([September 2020])
Simple explanatory tool to explain key concepts within a community/local workshop/lesson
Why use it?
help get a grip on what the doughnut is
use to assess existing projects and ideas
use to assess a collection of projects and ideas
Who is it for?
Community facilitators, business owners, teachers, local councillors, council officers
How long does it take?
You can read it in 10 mins, or use it for a day long workshop
How many people is it for?
Can be used by two or as many as you want
What materials do you need?
Paper, pens, people and imagination - and you can do this online in an interactive platform, like zoom
What does the facilitator need to know or be able to do?
How to work with people to break a project into component interconnected parts
Thanks to Cornwall Council who helped funded the design, and Leap Design Studio for their design fabulousness
Analysis of the Northern District of Lviv, Ukraine
Comprehensive analysis, which aimed to provide understanding of the current and potential state of the city district
Cornwall responding to the Climate Emergency
How the Doughnut Economics model has been used in Cornwall to respond to the complexity of the climate emergency.
Helston Doughnut Workshop
Helston Climate Action Group used Doughnut thinking to assess all their climate action...
Heather Baitz
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
I am a member of the Nanaimo Climate Action Hub, and would like to learn more about Doughnut Economics as our city council recently voted to adopt the model.
Stephen Cross
Southampton, England, United Kingdom
Neil Donaldson
Kintyre, Argyll and Bute, Scotland
I am an environmental consultant and member of Kintyre Community Resilience Group
William Schmick
Vail, Colorado, United States of America
I'm a Sustainability Studies student. I'm interested in social capital and ways to build it and mobilize it within communities. I'm also interested in how theory becomes practice and, in local ways to reduce inequity.
Roxy Piper
Teignmouth, Devon, England, United Kingdom
Will update properly later.... I work with the Devon Doughnut Collective, New Prosperity Devon and Action on Climate in Teignbridge- doughnut economics plays an important part of this work. We are looking for new members to join our emerging 'Devon Doughnut Collective' group!
Singapore, Singapore
Hannah Lind
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Post Graduate Diploma student in Professional Communication at Douglas College. Communicating the right things, in the right ways, matters to me. I am furthering my passion to make life-enhancing information more accessible with the use of ethical design and communication practices. My most recent post was as Bereavement Services Manager at Highland Hospice, where I led on the ethical redesign of our service to serve the needs of our community in its widest sense. This involved reflecting on what bereavement care is, who provides it, how we promote rather than undermine resilience, accessibility of support, how it can be accessed in local spaces, who potentially benefits and loses out and so much more. I’m deeply interested in my part in reshaping communities and societies to recognize our interconnectedness with each other, our surrounding environment and biosphere. I want to be part of the solution! Let's utilize AI in the right ways, for the right purposes!
Sammy Gray
Wyre, North West England, United Kingdom