Cornwall Doughnut Economics Playbook
A simple online hyperlinked tool for community groups learning to think Doughnut - easy to create your own version!
Version 1.0 ([September 2020])
Simple explanatory tool to explain key concepts within a community/local workshop/lesson
Why use it?
help get a grip on what the doughnut is
use to assess existing projects and ideas
use to assess a collection of projects and ideas
Who is it for?
Community facilitators, business owners, teachers, local councillors, council officers
How long does it take?
You can read it in 10 mins, or use it for a day long workshop
How many people is it for?
Can be used by two or as many as you want
What materials do you need?
Paper, pens, people and imagination - and you can do this online in an interactive platform, like zoom
What does the facilitator need to know or be able to do?
How to work with people to break a project into component interconnected parts
Thanks to Cornwall Council who helped funded the design, and Leap Design Studio for their design fabulousness
Analysis of the Northern District of Lviv, Ukraine
Comprehensive analysis, which aimed to provide understanding of the current and potential state of the city district
Cornwall responding to the Climate Emergency
How the Doughnut Economics model has been used in Cornwall to respond to the complexity of the climate emergency.
Helston Doughnut Workshop
Helston Climate Action Group used Doughnut thinking to assess all their climate action...
Michaela Hausdorf
Trier, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Bret Carpenter
Albany, Oregon, United States of America
Anne de Beaufort
Shannon Coles
Otley, West Yorkshire
I am a volunteer with Otley 2030, a group set up to work with our community to build a climate friendly and socially just town
Jenni Brooks
Leeds, England, United Kingdom
I am Comms & Engagement Lead at Climate Action Leeds, working for a 'zero carbon, nature friendly, socially just Leeds by the 2030s'. This is an ambitious, Lottery-funded project linking up local and city-wide communities to act, plan and build a movement of action and change. We are using Doughnut methodologies to help us do this, we have set up the Leeds Doughnut Coalition and are working with the University of Leeds on our first sketch city portrait.
Florian Andrews
Hamburg, Deutschland
Consultant on Circular Economy, C2C and Sustainability
betina marmolejo
Bucerias, Nayarit.
¡Hi everyone! I'm a former sustainability consultant now starting my entrepenurial journey inspired by the values of the regenerative economy. I recently move to Bucerías, Nayarit, a little beach town in the Mexican Pacific where besides starting a small sustainable coliving by the beach, im learning to live "a good life" within the limits of our planet. I hold a BA in International Business by TEC de Monterrey in México and a MSc in Sustainability and Social Innovation by HEC Paris in France. Long story short, in 2015 I found out about the consequences of climate change and my life changed as I was unknowningly discovering my purpose in fight this crisis and help change the world is what truly makes me happy in life. That made me found out about the doughnut and, the more I read about it the more I fell in love with it. With my project I hope to bring the doughnut closer to the LATAM community in the present and future becasue I'm confident it will greatly improve the wellbeing of many many people in my country and region.
Richard Lu