Transforming places with the Doughnut - webinar 2
Watch the recording of two local governments working with Doughnut Economics in Brussels, Belgium and Nanaimo, Canada
In this webinar from 14th June 2022 we were so pleased to hear about the inspiring and original work in two local governments using Doughnut Economics: Brussels, Belgium and Nanaimo, Canada. You can also find both presentations as attachments at the end of this story.
Brussels, Belgium - Starting in 2020, the "Brussels Donut" project explores various ways of implementing the Doughnut Economy in the Brussels Capital Region. It aims at making the Doughnut a shared compass used by all actors of the region, to imagine the future of Brussels and to make coherent decisions in favour of the ecological and social transition. Brussels Donut is financed by the Brussels Capital Region under the patronage of Barbara Trachte, the Brussels’ Regional Secretary of State for Economic Transition. The project is now starting its second phase, during which the focus will be on raising awareness of the Brussels administrations and businesses to help them embark on the Donut journey. It will also deepen the analysis of a plethora of indicators to turn the Brussels Doughnut Portrait into a dashboard for the transition of the Region, by making it live and operational and building collaborations with many public and private stakeholders in the Region.
To read more about the work in Brussels:
Brussels Donut project website
The work of Brussels Capital Region was presented by Stéphanie Lepczynski, policy adviser for scientific research, European affairs and the Brussels Donut in the cabinet of the Brussels Capital Region's Secretary of State for Economic Transition and Scientific Research.
Nanaimo, Canada - In 2020, Nanaimo's City Council passed the following motion: "That the City of Nanaimo adopt the Doughnut Economic Model as a cohesive vision for all City initiatives and planning processes; and that a city portrait for Nanaimo be created to scale down the doughnut economics framework, that the city portrait be blended with the REIMAGINE NANAIMO process and that the appropriate measurable targets and indicators relevant to the community be identified and included in the framework to track progress". The city has since blended the Doughnut with their city visioning process leading to a new City Plan, and have been using the Doughnut as a unifying framework across the Council, gradually bringing it into a number of policies and strategies - from land use planning, to procurement, to investment.
To read more about the work in Nanaimo:
Executive Summary of the City Plan
Reimagine Nanaimo project webpage
Information report on Doughnut Economics framework
The work of Nanaimo was presented by Nanaimo City Councillor Ben Geselbracht, one of the initiators in the city’s adoption of Doughnut
Economics as a planning framework.
We hope you enjoy listening to these two stories of local government-led action.
0:00 Introduction
02:47 Brussels Capital Region, presented by Stéphanie Lepczynski
29:59 Nanaimo City, presented by Cllr Ben Geselbracht
Presentation slides:
Nanaimo presentation
Brussels Capital Region presentation
Access the 'Doughnut Unrolled' tools to start applying Doughnut Economics to your place here:
And if you are interested to join our next webinars, make sure to sign up for our newsletter where we will share all next webinars, along with many new tools and stories of action.
Doughnut Unrolled: Community Portrait of Place
A selection of participatory workshop approaches you can use to explore the four lenses for your place
Doughnut Unrolled: Data Portrait of Place
A handbook of approaches for collecting targets and indicators across each of the four lenses for your place
Doughnut Unrolled: Dimensions of the four lenses
An overview of each of the dimensions of the four lenses on life
Doughnut Unrolled: Exploring a topic
A selection of approaches to explore a specific topic through the Four Lenses be it a policy, project or possibility
Doughnut Unrolled: Introducing the four lenses
An introduction to the four lenses and the set of tools you can use to help your place bring humanity into the Doughnut
ikram hirse
Bryan Garcia
Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Aneta Rasik
Vivek Meshram
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Observer, Reader, Learner A vivid observer of polity, economy, and environment. Interested in behavioral sciences, behavioral economics and public policies. Pursuing M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Grant Holton
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
Dutch & South African Co-Founder community of sustainability professionals | Sustainability | Creative Networker | Business Development & Partnerships |Technology for Good | Coaching & Mentoring Startups | Business for Biodiversity & Regeneration -Working with ( and to promote Grassroots Community Tree planting & urban Regen across Europe and the globe.
Ernst Krauss
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
I am an Asset Management SME with a deep interest in creating / providing value through an Asset Management System. I work across a number of Industries in my consulting role. I believe that through Asset Life Cycle Management we can make a change not only in organsiations but also introduce `Donut principles as they seamlessly fit with the Asset Management concepts.
Derek von Behr
Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil
Architect, urban planner and landscaper