Transforming places with DE - webinar 1

Hearing from community-led initiatives in Leeds, UK and Melbourne, Australia

In this webinar from 18th May 2022 we hear from two community-led initiatives aiming to transform their place with Doughnut Economics: Climate Action Leeds and Regen Melbourne.

We were so pleased we have these two fantastic initiatives share their stories together on this webinar as they demonstrate two different starting points for action: data-first and vision-first.

In April this year the team at Climate Action Leeds launched a Leeds Doughnut report taking a data-first approach to get a snapshot of the city to start conversation and the journey to a safe and thriving Leeds.

And in April last year, the team at Regen Melbourne launched Towards a Regenerative Melbourne report, taking a vision-first approach to create a shared vision for the city drawing upon the imagination and aspiration of the residents of Melbourne and start the journey towards a regenerative Melbourne.

We hope you enjoy listening to these two stories of community-led action. And join us for the next webinar where we'll be hearing the local government perspective on transforming places with Doughnut Economics with the cities of Nanaimo, Canada and Brussels, Belgium:

0:00 Introduction
02:09 Climate Action Leeds
31:23 Regen Melbourne
56:51 Closing remarks

Find out more and read their reports here:

Access the 'Doughnut Unrolled' tools to apply Doughnut Economics to your place here:

You can also watch the full launch of the Leeds Doughnut here:





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