The Cornwall Doughnut Hack
A day to figure out which direction we're facing in our current context of climate, economic and social crises
The Cornwall Doughnut Hack
An amazing, tricky, collective, challenging, collaborative, audacious day of beginning the process of understanding which direction we're facing in our current context of climate, economic and social crises.
It made for much scratching of heads as we fought with the best way of embracing this enormous level of complexity; and brought out some hair-raising facts... and some heart-stormingly brilliant ideas for change...
We talked about climate and change, about facts, and behaviour; about politics and community and fear , about loss and the past, about the future, and injustice and soil and communication and poverty and systems and planning; banking and carbon and schools and food; and watched and heard and spoke and listened and ate together in warmth and space of the Chy N Bobl Hall in Heartlands in Cornwall.
We gave ourselves an enormous, complex task: but we tackled it with gusto, started to make some amazing connections and were encouraged on by the awesome Kate Raworth, who received two huge rounds of applause without even being in the room...!
Then we heard from Ian Smith on poverty, exclusion and the need for change.
Tony Greenham offered the new model of a local bank that might let us reconfigure how we manage our money - with some jaw droppingly compelling arguments. You can find out more at @SouthWestMutual @TonyGreenham
Then Jay Tompt from the REconomy Project talked about how they created a community wealth building programme in Totnes.
We looked at the Preston Model and what they're doing differently.
Pizzas and doughnuts
We looked at every point on the doughnut, by splitting into four groups and taking a quadrant each. We then used our own knowledge, networks and connections to identify at least one name and organisation that could be our "lead" to extract the data we need to take a 21 Century Cornwall Doughnut Selfie.
Joining the Doughnut Dots
to underline the three dimensional nature of the doughnut, we chose a point from the doughnut and walked through the room talking to other people with other "points" to identify the dynamic connectivity between them all.
Reviewing the connections we had made we acknowledged the overwhelming importance of climate in every one of these, and that each section of the doughnut and the work we need to do in it *has* to contribute to our response to the existential threat of climate breakdown.
We lined up from one end of the hall to the other and invited everyone to occupy the place they felt they could contribute best, fully in the knowledge that - crucially - we need every sort of action, from formal, local authority, officer-shaped effort, to on the street, making a noise, activist effort - and that there is space for everyone to engage, in whatever way they think they can have most impact.
Neil Donaldson
Kintyre, Argyll and Bute, Scotland
I am an environmental consultant and member of Kintyre Community Resilience Group
Katy Shields
Vienna, Wien, Austria
I am a climate educator, helping people who want to solve the climate and ecological crises find a new role or other ways to take action. I have a background in mainstream economics, having worked for many years as an economic consultant. For the past several years I have been seeking ways to change the economic system as an activist and advocate for systems change and Doughnut/Wellbeing economics. Currently I am working with activists and scientists in Vienna to set up a Doughnut Coalition to help mainstream the ideas of Doughnut Economics and influence business, education and policy in the city and beyond.
Peter Lefort
Truro, England, United Kingdom
Katharine Lewis
Helston, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Mother, teacher, activist, passionate about environmental and social justice. Experience of working in early years education, and in community development in the UK and overseas. Very active in my local climate action group where we used the doughnut as the basis for our climate action plan. Excited to see the Cornwall Doughnut Collective establish! Keen to connect with others in Cornwall (and further afield!) working on this.
Shaktari Belew
Ashland, Oregon, United States of America
I am a life-long learner. From a early background in computer systems, which gave me a whole-systems lens through which to approach the rest of my life, I've been an educator, author, artist, Transition movement trainer/contributor (since 2008), Permaculture instructor/designer, group facilitator, complementary currency designer, researcher, parent, grandparent. I love seeing through multiple lenses and points-of-view. I guess you could say I am a Whole-Systems, Biomimicry, "DANCING ON MY LEARNING EDGES" explorer ... contributing, connecting, and loving, with joy.
Osbert Lancaster
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Quynh Bui
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Clara Todd
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
UX designer, storyteller, art lover, culture-jammer, recovering techie in Cambridge, UK. Determined to be a good ancestor. Masters in Regenerative Economics from Schumacher College 2021-2022. Gets excited about water, rivers, ecology, rights of nature, alternative currencies, degrowth.