Sprinkles for Doughnuts!

An alternative & rewards based currency to capture regenerative social actions & behaviours in line with the Doughnut.

Rewarding "Sprinkles" for Doughnut Economics...

🍩 How do we make radical climate change engaging, fun, playful, empowering, optimistic and rewarding for our youth and families in our local communities?
🍩 How do we help our youth shift mindsets within their communities that may be entrenched in old world views and resistant to change? 
🍩 How do we create and facilitate a platform for Circular and Generosity Economies that both strengthens a community’s social foundations and rewards regenerative behaviours which impact the planetary boundaries? 

We turn to our youth… and the doughnut!

"Sprinkles" are reward points in a RegenerACTION mobile app game co-created with and for our youth empowering them to influence significant change in their homes, schools and local communities. As actions take place and "Sprinkles" are rewarded to users, valid data is captured and rolled up into dashboards for local, regional and national doughnuts to show our collective progress towards healthier planetary and social boundaries.

“Sprinkles” is part of a research project at Ubiquity University (Masters of Regenerative Action), a solution being discussed within co-creator calls with AlternativeUK and an off shoot of an idea that sprouted within SEEDS (the conscious currency.) Discussions are taking place on how we create "Sprinkles" (blockchain) and whether these points/tokens could potentially evolve into (Jam) a convertible currency serving local circular economies with an universal platform/currency. 

The two main objectives behind “Sprinkles” are...
 (1) to engage youth and families in fun, optimistic and rewarding activities that influence behavioural changes and mindset shifts and;
(2) to capture data and incremental progress towards healthier planetary boundaries and social foundations at an individual, domestic and group/community level… all of which can contribute (roll into) city, National or bioregional Doughnuts.

We are keen to learn from the DEAL Community how we can downsize the doughnut and capture the local/micro activities for valid and trustworthy data displaying Sprinkles interactivity and the progression towards healthier doughnut profiles.

We are looking to co-create Sprinkles with a number of partners and pilot the concept in the global North and South:  A mobile app and public digital display in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire and a low tech solution to support the Mabale community in Zimbabwe.

We are sharing the “Sprinkles” concept at this early stage so we can develop a solution fit for purpose, rapid adoption and impact globally.

If you'd like to co-create this concept with us please get in touch!  :) 





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