Spaces Beyond Growth -Doughnut Economics in Action

A community of scholars and practitioners gathered around DEAL Cities & Regions, NELA, Yuge Lei and Ben Schmid

The Spaces Beyond Growth - Municipal Degrowth Network convened an insightful webinar, where Leonora Grcheva (DEAL) provided an overview of why and how cities engage with the doughnut, from taking easy steps and getting started into new ways of thinking to committing to long-term actions.

Hannah Strobel and Lucy Hoffman from Next Economy Lab (NELA) showcased their offers including an interactive tool for communities to create their own local doughnut - to help "diagnose" issues & develop policies.

A lot practice-based reflections came from Yuge Lei, with a very concrete example of how to introduce the model to mayors, management staff and politicians, along with the challenges of this process.

Finally, Benedikt Schmid, provided some critical thinking about growth-agnosticism within Doughnut framings.  The discussions highlighted the need for more case studies and practical examples of how policies that are challenging growth really look like at the local level, and the importance for experimental spaces where research, policy design and implementation can learn from each other. 

The group agreed to keep exchanging and gather in 2024 again! :)

-> You can find the presentations here.  As soon as the recording is online, we will update the link here! 

The Spaces Beyond Growth - Municipal Degrowth Network acknowledges deeply all who joined, shared inputs and contributed to the discussion. 





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