Extremadura 2030 Ecosystem

Ecosystem for the Green and Circular Economy in Extremadura (Spain)

In 2017, the government of the region of Extremadura, in Spain, one of the most rural and peripherical regions of Europe, set out to investigate other possible futures based on a green and circular economy in the horizon of 2030. I had the honour of coordinating a team that developed a research proposal from Territorial Innovation to promote a 2030 Ecosystem for the Green and Circular Economy in Extremadura. aligned with the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, in a work that combined the Donuts approach with Resilient Thinking (Stockholm Resilience Centre), the principles of the Transition Network, regenerative design and others, to offer a holistic approach to transformation this territory.  

So far this work has not had any significant impact in the Extremadura region. 




    Luis Palicio

    Leeds (UK) / Oviedo (Spain)

    I want to learn more about how we can apply doughnut economics to our local community.

    Tarik Bouriachi

    Redange-sur-Attert, Redange, Luxembourg

    Nous trouvons intéressant le fait de considérer l'interdépendance des thématiques et donc l'action social de façon transversale.

    Diego Chinchilla

    Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España

    Explore the DE, Find resources, Refresh , Offer experiences, Know people of alike-interests, Enrole in common proyects (maybe)

    1 comment
    Amanda Faulkner about 3 years ago

    This is so inspiring! I'd love a copy in English to get a better understanding of all the detail represented here.
    I love it - beautiful graphics. Thank you for sharing :)

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