Exploring Tipping Points
A concise summary of discussions at the Tipping Points Conference at Exeter University, September 2022

Researchers, policy analysts, civil activists and civil society representatives gathered at a conference in Exeter, 12-14 September, to discuss the prospect of “tipping points” in a warming world.
Over three days at the University of Exeter, the conference - co-hosted by Tim Lenton, Johan Rockstrom and others - aimed to both improve “warnings of the imminent risks of catastrophic climate tipping points” and accelerate “positive tipping points” to trigger “rapid and transformative solutions” to climate change.
In the session on 'positive' (desirable) social tipping points, Kate Raworth presented the ongoing work of Doughnut Economics Action Lab, and how the DEAL Team and Community work to amplify reinforcing feedbacks of inspiration and action, in the face of resistance from inherited systems and prevailing vested interests.
Carbon Brief wrote a comprehensive summary of the plenary discussions, providing links to many of the people, papers and issues discussed.
You can also learn more and watch back some of the sessions at the Tipping Points conference website.
alejandra dominguez
Emi Imai
Middlesbrough, England, United Kingdom
Founder of DE Community network group Boro Doughnut, Middlesbrough UK. Now a CIC. I moved to Middlesbrough in 2018 after living in Surrey, Oxfordshire, Japan, Thailand, China, Germany and the USA. Eco-school assessor. Currently juggles between management of Boro Doughnut, being a supply teacher, Learning and Development Facilitator @ Drive Engagement / Camerons Link and Reflexologist.
Eva Marina Valencia Leñero
Mexico City, Mexico
| Sustainability Transitions Specialist | Co-Founder of Mexico City's Doughnut Economic Coalition + Scaling Coordinator in CIMMYT-CGIAR After finishing my MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management in Lund University with a thesis to downscale the doughnut for Mexico City's water policies, I learned research was not enough to make a change. For this reason, I have co-founded the Tricolor Coalition (Mexico City's Doughnut Economic Coalition) to collaborate with other agents of change to promote sustainability transitions in Mexico City. We are now developing community, informative, and capacity building activities to support Mexico City's agents of change interested in promoting this transition. I am currently also working as a Scaling Coordinator in the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. In my job, I continue to learn about systems thinking approaches, and about what types of food innovations could be scaled (why? and where?) to create more impact. Moreover, I also have experience in international and national public administrations, and I have specialized in the water-food-energy sectors and climate change challenges.
William Ferguson
Exeter, England, United Kingdom
Holistic Engineer, Doctorate in vibration energy harvesting using auxetic designs to maximise power output (ideal for monitoring infrastructure), Terminally self deprecating and trying to find work in renewable energy.