A co-creative event where we made art and discussed how to bring Doughnut Economics to life in artful ways
On 17th December, over 30 members of the DEAL Community from around the world gathered together over zoom to explore how to bring Doughnut Economics to life through art.
Here's a short video of some of the project members creating a chalk Doughnut for artists. And you can keep updated about their unfolding project on the BA-LF blog.
(the template can be found here)
It was great fun to watch unfold... no sooner had King Kong emerged, than someone else had added a rainbow road of love hearts. And after a 5-10 minutes of annotating, A very simple and very fun activity for everyone to join in with - we thoroughly recommend it!
Unfortunately we didn't have time to go into any more discussion this time, but this being DEAL's first co-creative event meant were learning throughout the event and will adapt for next time.
And why wait for us? If you want to run your own event using some of these ideas, templates and prompts as inspiration then please do, and share back how it went. You can find the templates and prompts in the google slides document.
Lizzy Noone
Lizzy has been working with schools on Global Citizenship Education and campaigning for 24 years. She represented Ireland on the European Development Education Forum for four years, and has been a member of the steering group of the Global Campaign for Education, Stop Climate Chaos and Act Now 2015 for many years. She now works for Worldwise Global Schools working with teachers-encouraging teachers to bring Doughnut Economics in to their classrooms and beyond. She founded Balbriggan Community Murals as part of Balbriggan Tidy Towns and is interested in activism, art, music and theatre too!
Faris Weldy
Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Currently studying for a bachelor's degree majoring in Resource and Environmental Economics at IPB University
Anne de Beaufort
Kevin Shea
Baiting Hollow, Calverton, New York, United States of America
Founder of Effective Altruism Rationality To Help (e.a.r.t.h.) 501c3; Designer, builder, resident of Long Island Green Dome and Gardens; Steward of O Parks, Wildlife and Recreation in Nicaragua; Just a general all-purpose terra-sapien
Jordan Hodgson
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Marie Storli
Oslo, Norge
I am an independent economist working to promote sustainability thinking and acting in the field of economics, as well as more broadly.
Tim Frenneaux
Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Hello! I'm currently working as Source for the Piʌot Project - the emergent people-powered movement for regenerative transformation. [Towards a more beautiful future] I'm also a regenerative business designer, a bookseller selling nature/travel/adventures books that help folk reconnect with themselves and the rest of the natural world, as well as a collaborator with the Leeds Doughnut Coalition. Before finding my wings in 2020 I was the Head of Policy at the York and North Yorkshire LEP where I developed England's first, and only, carbon-negative Local Industrial Strategy, integrated the UN SDG's into our decision making and project appraisal processes and pioneered the implementation of design thinking in the public sector. In my work now I'm investigating the role that we puny humans and our powerful businesses can play in nurturing a more beautiful future via a post-growth economy.