Degrowth and Doughnut Economics: A Documentary
A video exploration of how degrowth and doughnut economics seek to build a sustainable and inclusive future.

In the spring of 2022, I completed a film documentary titled "Code Red: An Exploration of Degrowth Economics" for my undergraduate thesis at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.
The project features scholars, journalists, and activists from North America and Europe discussing alternative economic practices, with perspectives from degrowth, green growth, and doughnut economics. Watch the 30-minute video below!
Topics, such as endless growth (explained by David Pilling of the Financial Times) and doughnut economics (Andrew Fanning at DEAL), are introduced and debated on the merits of feasibility and sustainability in the modern world.
Degrowth economics as a concept is examined by its supporters (with an in-depth interview with Timothée Parrique) and its critics (Green New Deal architect Robert Pollin).
I hope to continue this project on a more professional level in the future and complete a full feature film that dives into this intriguing concept of degrowth and doughnut economics. Stay tuned!
Lilian Marino
London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
Bow - East London
Hamid Hosseini
Malmö, Skåne, Sweden
I am an Iranian architect, Artist, and Urban researcher. I obtained my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in architecture from the renowned Azad University of Iran. Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work on diverse projects and collaborate with various companies, gaining invaluable experience in the fields of architecture and design. Beyond my architectural endeavours, I possess a deep passion for art. Recognizing the power of artistic expression, I have organized several art exhibitions to showcase my concerns and reflections on society, nature, and the future. Through my creative endeavours, I seek to provoke contemplation and engage viewers in meaningful dialogue. Driven by my curiosity and interest in understanding people and society, I embarked on a journey of continuous learning. I pursuing a degree in Urban Studies at Malmö University, where I expanded my knowledge and insights into the intricate dynamics between cities and their inhabitants. This academic pursuit reflects my commitment to exploring urbanity and its impact on society, further enriching his professional capabilities and enabling him to contribute meaningfully to the field. I started my career with When When company based in Malmö and now When! When! has been chosen to build a new school in Tomelilla, Sweden, fully based on the principles of Doughnut Economics. The project will work with regenerative and holistic perspectives, philosophy, and new economic systems and examine broader local and global needs that extend beyond the school building.
anya pawlik
Annahita Nezami
Founder of EarthscapeVR, integrating positive technologies with psychology-informed workshops to create maximum social impact on pressing global issues such as sustainability and mental health. Always looking for potential partners who align with our values to work with.
Laura Zimmermann
I just finished my master's degree in Freiburg, studying in the M.Sc. programme Geography of Global Change. For my thesis I worked with Doughnut Economics and its practical applicability. I truly appreciate the support and treasure of knowledge of the DEAL community and platform. Now I am working at the Next Economy Lab in Bonn, realizing more Doughnut-related projects. I am drawn to the doughnut by its tangibility and immediate call for action: "Act now - theorize later!"
Marcos Iorio
Vinhedo - PR / BRAZIL
Consultant and Professor of Circular Economy for Packaging. Leader of the CIRCULAR TERRITORY project, and co-founder of DONUT BRASIL. Apprentice of biomimicry, and connected to multiple movements in Brazil: Refloresta Vinhedo, The Climate Reality Project, Território Circular, Director of CIRCOOLAR - Training in Strategies for Circularity of Packaging in Latin America. and Vice-Director of CCD Circula (Center of Science and Development for Circular Economy).
David Brühlmeier
Düdingen, Fribourg/Freiburg, Schweiz
I am a bridge builder. I connect people, organizations, systems and perspectives with each other. I contribute to the realization of ideas that create a world that our hearts already know is possible. I believe that doughnut economics is a smart and concrete compass for the change needed in the 21st century.
Don Dwiggins
Northridge, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
I'm a retired software developer, focusing these days on sustainability issues (in the whole systems sense). I'm a former board member of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance, and a currently active member of the California Doughnut Economics Coalition (CalDEC).