Community Doughnut Action in Amsterdam

How Amsterdam's neighbourhoods are putting the Doughnut into practice in their own back yards

Rieta Aliredjo is a member of the Amsterdam Donut Coalition - a network of city changemakers determined to bring the Doughnut to life in their city.

In this 13 minute presentation, Rieta describes several neighbourhood-based initiatives that exemplify the spirit of the Doughnut, tackling social and ecological issues at the same time.

These include a community orchard built on derelict land in the city centre, and an income-generating scheme making energy-preserving curtains.

She also shows that the concept of the Doughnut gained traction in the city gradually over many years, leading up to the city's adoption of the model in 2020.

Watch Rieta's presentation, starting from 19.15 minutes

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This presentation was part of the Humanity Rising webinars by Ubiquity University




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