Circular workshops for Holidays and for every day


During the World Urban Forum 2022, which was organized in Katowice (Southern Poland - Silesia Region), the topic of Urban Solutions of the Future was discussed. One of the discussed trends of the future is the creation of URBAN LAB and CITY WORKSHOP. All within the principles of the Circular Economy, based on the ZERO WASTE concept, Sustainable Development goals, cross-sectoral cooperation and the Doughnut Economics idea. 

Discussions are valuable but execution is even better! It was in Katowice, a city with 300,000 inhabitants, that a group of enthusiasts decided to carry out a series of multidisciplinary circular workshops. The idea appealed to many: both recipients and organizers. An informal coalition was created: enthusiasts, formal organizations, companies and social activists. The Katowice City Hall has provided free of charge and perfectly located space in the very center of the city. The coalition was joined by: a boat-building workshop, a tailor's cooperative, a repair cafe, a bicycle repair company, a soap manufacturer, a designers cooperative, regional television, a local newspaper, a herbal advisor and FabLab Silesia.

A series of workshops got scheduled for December pre-Christmas. The Katowice City Hall additionally co-financed the organization of events so that participation in the workshops was free for the residents of Katowice! 

A lot has happened in these two weeks. We met on Saturdays and Sundays, so anyone willing could take advantage without unnecessary crowds. 

CIRCULAR TAILOR WORKSHOPS, which were originally intended to be basic instruction in repairing clothes, turned naturally into classes in fashion design or even Circular Fashion. And all thanks to one sewing machine! Several old revitalized irons were ideally used to decorate sewn bags, decorated with coloured foil from used plastic bags. 

CIRCULAR CHEMIST’S surprised many people: did You ever make a cleaning powder, washing liquid, bath bombs, simple soap or a natural fragrance easily and at home? Many people took advantage of this opportunity. And twice: once by making products and the second time using them in pre-Christmas cleaning or Christmas relaxation. 

CIRCULAR CARPENTRY WORKSHOPS used waste from a furniture production company to make bird feeders on their own. They will be useful to birds in winter. Children 6 and older also participated in the workshops (with their parents). Everyone managed to successfully make a feeder. Of course, it was not without the support of professionals - carpenters and makers. Thanks to this, it was safe despite the use of saws and drills by people who probably never before had the opportunity to use it. By the way, some chairs and a table were also repaired during the breaks. The enthusiasm of carpentry drew everyone in and as a result, after a week, another workshop - making wooden toys from recycled materials, was carried out. 

As a result of such interest, workshops for bird nesting boxes, made from recycled materials, were already planned for late winter - such circular nesting houses will probably be sought after by birds in the spring.

CIRCULAR BIKES is an implementation of the Dutch pattern that allows clever people to turn a few bicycles suitable only for scrap into other very original bicycle vehicles. Due to the winter time, the interest in repairing bicycles was not too great, but we are convinced that when we repeat the action in the spring - there will be crowds, or rather a bicycle peloton. 

CIRCULAR JEWELLERY - this is the idea of the FAMILIA Social Cooperative not only to try to repair the jewellery yourself, but also to make new jewellery gems from recycled trinkets. The occasion of Christmas this time was a pretext to save money, learn useful skills, increase environmental awareness and act in accordance with ZERO WASTE. Instead, as it usually happens, associate holidays with buying more new things; not always necessary  and generating more new trash, through generating more packages or throwing away still functional items. 

What's interesting - many of the effects of circular workshops were festively packed (according to zero waste rules - in recycled packages) and used as gifts. 

What does this have to do with Doughnut Economics? CIRCULAR WORKSHOPS reduce air pollution, save the ozone layer, locally contribute to biodiversity, reduce water consumption, reduce chemical pollution and all this for the climate. 

Such small CIRCULAR WORKSHOPS are, above all, a great way to CHANGE THE WAY OF THINKING about stuff we buy, we use, we give, we throw away. Change achieved by acting on your own - producing! 

For MasterPeace Poland it was the first opportunity to take part in CIRCULAR WORKSHOPS, thanks to the DOUGHNUT ECONOMICS LAB: Project co-financed by the ERASMUS + Program 

We are recommending this venture not only for holidays but also for every day!

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    Chelsea McLean

    Gold Coast, Australia

    To learn more about Doughnut Economics and how it links with the circular economy.

    Bob Kaminski

    Katowice, województwo śląskie, Polska

    I want to use Donut Economics to transform Poland to find it in an ecologically safe and socially equitable Donut Space!

    Natalia van der Wee

    Utrecht, The Netherlands

    I'm here to find, test, use and share great ideas and tools to help transformation to innovative and sustainable education.

    1 comment
    Bob Kaminski almost 2 years ago

    Well done!  City Circular Workshops is the future of socially developed cities! 

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