Biomimicry experiments with Doughnut Economics

An updated story of how Biomimics are exploring ways to apply Life Principles in everyday 4Cs context.

An inspiring group of 20+ leading biomimicry practitioners across the globe gathered in this 2-hour informal hands-on session to experiment and collaborate on a repository to act as a reference for daily decisions.

The session started with the disclaimer that this experiment had never been done before to set the scene that we were going to need everyone’s input. The group met from cohorts through Learn Biomimicry and kicked off excited to see what would emerge.

The Goal

We set ourselves to create by the end of the session to leave with a list of practices translating Life Principles into everyday life. A repository that can be revisited and updated in the future. It’s ALIVE!


Please refer to the full tool entry in DEAL here

The session uses a version of the 1-2-4-all liberating structure where participants will discuss each principle and build upon each other's ideas in sub-groups before gathering key highlights.  

We were using a tool called Miro, which is a collaborative online whiteboard where participants can add stickies and visual components, all at once! 

So yes, it can feel rushed and messy! It's part of the joy. How time boxing helps fruition, just like in nature short cycles like a sunny spell in early spring can put so much in motion. Which turned out to be quite fun. Embodying Resilience through Variation, Redundancy and Decentralisation ;)

The session had the underlying intention to create conditions conducive to life by integrating life principles into decisions and interventions in our everyday life. The visual representation of the session used a different visual from the standard Biomimicry Life Principles, instead starting from the flower calendula to represent a nested modular component structure where the core represents the ethos and each layer moves to Principles, Strategies, then we take our magnifying glass to the quadrant of 4Cs which each represents a different aspect of everyday life.

Participants also had the opportunity to showcase their own Biomimicry projects and solutions related to the quadrants at hand.

As Alex Briggs, Marketing & Project Manager at California Mobility Center, puts it: 

"This session was valuable on so many levels. Whether you are new to the biomimicry philosophy or an experienced practitioner, we all learned something new from each other's innovative ideas. Not only did we deepen our understanding of Life’s Principles but we all offered unique real life examples of how to apply these teachings in our lives.

Is this not the most important tool? To learn something is one thing, but to teach and apply it is where true global change will occur. ‘As we heal ourselves, we heal the world. It starts with one.” Additionally, the structure of the session felt more like a joyous problem solving game than work. I hope to see more of these sessions bringing people together and solving challenges in such an enjoyable way!"

A day of energy & action

And we did have fun! In my opinion, we don’t account enough for JOY in what we do, which is an important and common behaviour for many animal species in nature. For example, play has been shown to have multiple functions, such as improving physical fitness, developing social skills, and reducing stress. Having fun whilst getting stuff done also helps to learn important skills that are needed later; in some cases, play can even have an evolutionary function, helping animals to develop new adaptations and behaviours that improve their chances of survival and reproduction. Finding JOY is an aspect of the natural world that helps to develop, learn, and thrive.

The experience was truly energizing and transformative. I am immensely grateful to everyone who brought their full selves and remained open to the endless possibilities that emerged. Together, we tapped into existing potential and built upon each other's ideas, resulting in a truly expansive and collaborative experience. Thank you all for your invaluable contributions.




    1 comment
    Alistair Daynes over 1 year ago

    It was an incredible workshop. Incredibly well facilitated by Get Agile. I'd highly recommend checking out Ines Garcia's work -

    PS - if you're looking for a free ebook on biomimicry - you can download it here:

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