Applying the Doughnut for school development
Strothoff International School is using the Doughnut city portrait methodology to improve sustainability at the school.
But though the impetus to get started came from teachers, we are working to put students in the lead. A group of students from the Sustainability Action Lab are developing a research plan, using their emerging skills in systems thinking and design thinking learned from a new Youth Mayors Field Guide (a tool for this will be added to the DEAL soon!) to explore these issues and collaborate with the teachers in the committee. Another group of SAL students is exploring our current mission and vision to examine whether it is still fit for purpose; they too have the Doughnut in mind.
Or you can share your interest in the comments below.
Dimensions of the Doughnut
An introduction to each of the 21 social and ecological dimensions of the Doughnut
Creating City Portraits
An earlier methodological guide for downscaling the Doughnut to the city (newer version available)
Donut Days At School
A 7-step guide to introducing a 'Donut Day' in your school
mark schneider
Patrick Walsh
Portland, Oregon, United States of America
I am a secondary school social studies teacher at a progressive independent school in Portland, Oregon, USA. My teaching revolves around environmentalism and policy. I have used "Donut Economics" in my classes for a few years, largely as a critique of dominant economics ideas and as a way of rethinking labor. I am interested in developing a secondary-level social studies curriculum around Donut Economics. The idea would be to replace nationalist, growth-centered focuses with outlooks privileging sustainability, global citizenship and social justice. Has anyone already done this work? I am hoping to meet with like-minded educators (anywhere in the world!) in Summer 2023. I recently began a Tiny Forest at my school. This is a Miyawaki-method "pocket forest" of native trees and shrubs. I have developed curriculum for lower and middle-school students around reforestation and Indigenous uses of plants.
Jovita Rodrigues
Sancoale Goa, India
I studied political science and economic, and practiced law . Now an Executive and Life Coach, interested in bringing transformation in my community and state, through this platform. To empower the youth to be more creative in the the way they want to live within the community and the world, so that they can bring about healthy changes in the environment.
Antares Reisky
Hamburg, Deutschland
Indy Sira
Slough, England, United Kingdom
Founder of Voices of Colour, which is a research and community design agency that addresses systemic inequities and provides a platform to amplify the voices of marginalised communities. We work with communities to co-design spaces, policies, and services to enhance accessibility through an intersectional lens. The platform we provide is the beginning of a journey to create more meaningful conversations and change around issues that are impacting communities. It’s a space to bring these communities together to initiate that change and re-imagine spaces where they feel heard. We offer accessible resources, spaces to discuss, debate and connect a community of inspiring community change makers and leaders.
Brian Dowling
Hacienda Heights, California, United States of America
I serve as Treasurer for the California Doughnut Economics Coalition (
Kareen Urrutia
Auckland, New Zealand
I am a passionate forester/ecologist interested on working towards a sustainable and climate-resilient world. I currently study a master in Environmental Science at the University of Auckland. I have facilitated webinars on Ecological Economics in the past for Guatemalan students, aiming to bring this "system-based thinking" to as many people as possible for transforming our economies. I enjoy hiking, exploring nature, swimming, and reading.
Shaktari Belew
Ashland, Oregon, United States of America
I am a life-long learner. From a early background in computer systems, which gave me a whole-systems lens through which to approach the rest of my life, I've been an educator, author, artist, Transition movement trainer/contributor (since 2008), Permaculture instructor/designer, group facilitator, complementary currency designer, researcher, parent, grandparent. I love seeing through multiple lenses and points-of-view. I guess you could say I am a Whole-Systems, Biomimicry, "DANCING ON MY LEARNING EDGES" explorer ... contributing, connecting, and loving, with joy.