Application of Doughnut Economics to Sports Sector

Project seminar at the University of Bayreuth focusses on the application of the Doughnut Economics to the sports sector

In a project seminar Master's students at the University of Bayreuth focussed on the 

of the Doughnut Economics to the . The task was to analyse a self-selected sports with the help of a tool from the Doughnut Economics Action Lab and to generate development potential. The procedure and results should be presented in the form of a and presented in the final session.

Explanation of teamwork on two comparable entities for the entire seminar group

Here is the list of participating young researchers and their topics
(Note: Students will post their posters in their own stories and tag them with ; please see the stories by and together as they are a result of teamwork.)

- Applying the Doughnut Economics to sporting goods manufacturers. The example of adidas
- Application of the Doughnut Economics to the "Summer Feeling"
- Application of the Doughnut Economics to the International German Gymnastics Festival
- Application of the Doughnut Economics to the entity "fan"
- Applying the Doughnut Economics Framework to Sport for Development. The Example of an East African Sports Charity
- Applying the Doughnut Economics to a professional football club on the example of VfL Wolfsburg GmbH
  - Application of the Doughnut Economics to the BBC Bayreuth - Application of Doughnut Economics to Patagonia
- Applying the Doughnut Economics to Outdoor Sports in the Alps. A Citizen Science Project
- Application of the Doughnut Economics to VAUDE

We have learned that the ‘Four Lenses’ and ‘Doughnut Design for Business’ tools are well suited to analysing sport entities, although there are limitations to each that required individual adjustments. Details can be found in the stories of the participants.

In the next step, some students will deepen their work on the application of Doughnut Economics to entities in the sports sector in their Master's theses.




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