Mexico City's International Donut Day 2023
About the First International Donut Day in Mexico City, going where the (sustainability) energy is.
Posted by Tri-color Coalition
La historia de la Coalición Tricolor
Tricolor Coalition, promoting sustainability transitions in Mexico City
Posted by Tri-color Coalition
Coalición Tricolor CDMX-Tricolor Coalition MexCity
Somos un grupo de agentes de cambio interesados en una transición sustentable de la CDMX
Posted by Tri-color Coalition
We are a group of professionals interested creating a platform that aims to promote collaboration for sustainability transformations in Mexico City. For this, we are developing the methodologies to supports Mexico City’s agents of change in three ways: a) strengthening the network of sustainability agents of change, b) giving relevant information about Mexico City's sustainability challenges and solutions with the potential to scale, and c) supporting capacity-building of agents interested in transitioning towards sustainability, making them our members (and find ways to fill their visibility and/or capacity gaps!).
For more information and registration, please click on our webpage :)
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Other videos Created:
- About Doughnut Economics (Spanish) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFq_MQgaXC0&feature=emb_title
- Let’s Get Together - Mexico City’s Sustainability Challenges: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRbpNKRBUJ118D6LES7oyOw
-Transformative Investment Panel - (TIPC Conference 2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=2SnN_QmUKZ8&feature=emb_logo
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Mexico City's International Donut Day 2023
About the First International Donut Day in Mexico City, going where the (sustainability) energy is.
Posted by Tri-color Coalition
La historia de la Coalición Tricolor
Tricolor Coalition, promoting sustainability transitions in Mexico City
Posted by Tri-color Coalition
Coalición Tricolor CDMX-Tricolor Coalition MexCity
Somos un grupo de agentes de cambio interesados en una transición sustentable de la CDMX
Posted by Tri-color Coalition
Past Event
(Past) GDD - Imaginemos un futuro diferente para la CDMX -
2024-11-07T14:45:00Z (Past)
Universidad Escuela de Diseño de Bellas Artes, Universidad Iberoamericana y Universidad del Medio Ambiente
Posted by Tri-color Coalition
Past Event
(Past) Global Donut Day: Primer Día Internacional de la Dona CDMX 2023
2023-11-13T15:00:00Z (Past)
Calle Xocongo 138, 06820 Mexico City, Mexico
Posted by Tri-color Coalition
Past Event
(Past) Segunda Reunión Coalición Tricolor(CDMX)/Second Tricolor Coalition Meeting
2021-12-15T18:00:00Z (Past)
Posted by Tri-color Coalition
Past Event
(Past) Creando la coalición de la dona en la CDMX - Por los 200 años,¡Viva México!
2021-09-30T18:00:00Z (Past)
Posted by Tri-color Coalition
Celina Barton
Amparo Lega Posse
Bogotá, Distrito Capital de Bogotá, Colombia
With more than 157 years of experience in strategic planning, account management, and customer service in communication agencies and customer service in communication agencies, as a professional in marketing and advertising with a specialization in strategic in strategic planning in communication; I have been dedicating my experience in marketing and communication to the service of communication to the service of social cohesion and sustainable development. Since 2015, discovered my passion for finding new ways to contribute to the conservation and recovery of ecosystems, knowledge and recovery of ecosystems, knowledge, customs, and local cultures, I accepted the challenge of creating and leading the Slow Food Palomino Convivium figure that invites communities to live in more sustainable ways. In parallel and as my own initiative, I have given life to La Alacena Consciente a platform that offers mechanisms for associative and productive strengthening from diagnosis, design of tools, methodologies, and processes to transform methodologies and processes to transform human behaviors toward more conscious and ecological actions. From the community building models: development of articulation methodologies and experiential learning, facilitating decision-making, ideation, and conceptualization of products and/or processes. From the productive side: articulating talents to favor and lead producers or service providers towards more efficient and friendly models. And co-creating transformations in their production models which lead them to increasingly cleaner models. #foodsovereignty #localeconomy #responsibletourism
Osiel Dueñez
Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico
I studied economics at the Autonomous University of Coahuila, I worked as an economic analyst and deputy director of Planning in the economy secretariat of the government of Coahuila, I currently work as a business banking advisor at monex financial group. I am interested in the topics of economic growth, social mobility, climate change, technological development, among others.
Moisés Rodrigo Rebollar
Colina del Silencio, Naucalpan, Estado de México, Mexico
BSc in Global Sustainability Science | Utrecht University BA in Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development | Anahuac University. Specialized in innovation and carbon markets
Michel Nader Sayun
Eva Marina Valencia Leñero
Mexico City, Mexico
| Sustainability Transitions Specialist | Co-Founder of Mexico City's Doughnut Economic Coalition + Scaling Coordinator in CIMMYT-CGIAR After finishing my MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management in Lund University with a thesis to downscale the doughnut for Mexico City's water policies, I learned research was not enough to make a change. For this reason, I have co-founded the Tricolor Coalition (Mexico City's Doughnut Economic Coalition) to collaborate with other agents of change to promote sustainability transitions in Mexico City. We are now developing community, informative, and capacity building activities to support Mexico City's agents of change interested in promoting this transition. I am currently also working as a Scaling Coordinator in the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. In my job, I continue to learn about systems thinking approaches, and about what types of food innovations could be scaled (why? and where?) to create more impact. Moreover, I also have experience in international and national public administrations, and I have specialized in the water-food-energy sectors and climate change challenges.