Barcelona embraces the Doughnut

Barcelona City Council launches a Doughnut Portrait project to guide action towards a safe and just future for the city.

The City of Barcelona in Spain has announced that it is embracing the tools and concepts of Doughnut Economics to guide actions to address the climate emergency and the city's ecological transition.

The initiative was launched during a press conference on July 29, 2021 - the same day as Earth Overshoot Day - which was hosted by Barcelona City Councillor Eloi Badia i Casas. You can watch in full below:

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Barcelona City Council is collaborating on the initiative with the Barcelona + Sostenible network - a collection of more than 1,000 organizations committed to environmental, social and economic sustainability - and a team from the University of Barcelona led by Enric Tello, Professor of the Department of Economic History, Institutions, Politics and World Economy.

Barcelona is also a collaborating member of C40 Cities - a network of cities aiming to lead the way in taking bold climate action. The city took inspiration for its foray into Doughnut Economics from European neighbours such as Amsterdam and Copenhagen.

You can find additional coverage of the news in El País, 20 minutos, Barcelona TV, and Diari ARA.

Header image based on the photo 'Barcelona at sunrise' by Alfons Taekema on Unsplash.




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