You're Invited to Neutinamu Makers’ Global Donut Day 2024!

Enjoy bagel-making, beeswax candle crafting, and quilt doughnut cushions at Neutinamu Makers’ Global Donut Day 2024!

안녕하세요! 용인 도넛 모임인 와이 도넛에서는 메이커스 운동을 실천하는 느티나무 메이커스가 활발히 활동하고 있습니다. 특히 매월 마지막 주 일요일에는 ‘전기 없는 공방, 무전기’ 활동이 진행되어 느티나무 도서관 3층이 전기 없는 공간으로 바뀌게 되는데요. 이번 10월의 무전기는 특별히 글로벌 도넛 데이 2024 행사를 함께 준비하고 있으니 기대해주세요! 

누구나 함께할 수 있으니 편하게 놀러 오세요!
느티나무도서관 3층에서 만나요!


Hello! Among the Yongin Doughnut groups is Neutinamu Makers, a group engaged in the Makers Movement. Every last Sunday of the month, Neutinamu Makers holds an “Electric-Free Workshop,” where the 3rd floor of Neutinamu Library is transformed into a space without electricity. 

This October, we're celebrating Global Doughnut Day 2024 alongside the workshop! 

On Sunday, October 27th at 4 p.m., a variety of doughnut-themed activities will take place on the 3rd floor of Neutinamu Library.

Making Bagels
Join Zero Cook and Deep Popsugar to make bagels using locally sourced wheat. Make, taste, and share your creations.

Crafting Doughnut-Shaped Beeswax Candles
Create your own doughnut-shaped beeswax candles with SoomShim.

Making Quilt Doughnuts
Led by Quilt Silver, we will create quilted doughnut cushions together.

As we reflect on the activities of this year, everyone will have the chance to participate and complete a quilt doughnut together. This special time is open to all, so feel free to drop by!

See you on the 3rd floor of Neutinamu Library. 
We look forward to it! 



    Kyungmin Lee

    Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

    I'm here to learn from global examples of Doughnut Economics and explore ways to apply these ideas in Yongin, Korea


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