Webinar for facilitators of Doughnut Design for Business (Past)

DEAL will give updates on the Doughnut Design for Business tool, and host an informal discussion between practitioners.

This webinar is for anyone who is currently a facilitator of Doughnut Design for Business workshops (ie is listed here), or is interested in being a facilitator.

The webinar will:

  • Provide a short overview of the tool and ways to use it to facilitate workshops with businesses
  • Share some recent updates to the tool (e.g. Annex E)
  • Highlight upcoming updates to the Doughnut Design for Business tool (e.g. work on an additional systemic change activity), and describe ways practitioners can help with new adaptions
  • Provide a space for practitioners to meet and share learnings

The webinar will be at 4pm UK / 5pm CET / 11am US EST / 8:30pm India on 17 April on zoom.

To register for this webinar, click here.





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