Unlocking new economic thinking for a sustainable future (Past)

European stakeholder online conference on the social and environmental sustainability of the current economic system.

On 21st April 2021 9.00-16.30 CET,  COFACE Families Europe will host an online conference on building a caring economy which works for families and children, especially important in light of the COVID-19 pandemic during which families acted as the main social safety net.

Taking a holistic economic and societal approach, using the Doughnut economics model as a starting point, we will look at three key dimensions of the economy: households, the market, and the State. The discussions and proposals will serve to build key COFACE recommendations for EU and national policy-makers to unlock new thinking for a more social, environmental and economic future.

We will start with a reality-check of the new needs of families of today in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis (session 1), followed by a discussion on the social and environmental sustainability of the current economic system (session 2), and try to trigger actions to sustainably reduce social inequalities, building an economy that works for society (session 3). The working language will be English, and English-French translation will be provided for session 3, and is open to stakeholders from different sectors and backgrounds from local to global level.

This conference will bring together key panelists from local to international level including  Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme poverty and Human rights; Mirzha de Manuel Aramendía, Member of cabinet of Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis for an Economy that works for the People, European Commission; and Barbara Trachte, Brussels Secretary of state for Economic transition.

For further information on the programme and registrations (zoom), see here:





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