Universal Asset Generation Through The Doughnut (Past)

30% of humanity have investments, owning 97% of world wealth. Let's explore World Wealth Assets for All in the Donut.

Universal Asset Generation Through The Doughnut
  • People around the world are discussing Universal Basic Income. 
  • Currently, only 30% of humanity have any investments. 
  • They own 97% of world wealth.
  • Their investment wealth keeps growing, while the 70% of humanity, without any investments, keep growing relatively poorer due to lack of asset growth, and higher costs because the 30% pay more for housing, food, etc. driving up the costs for all.
  • I am trying to explore a system of investment wealth creation owned by all people on the planet.  
  • It could be thought of as “Universally Distributed Global Asset Generation”. 
  • In this system, all people gain in wealth through Doughnut Economics. 
  • I am open to communicating with people locally and global to create a learning community around this topic. 
  • We can meet every few weeks on Zoom. 
  • Let's explore World Wealth Assets for All in the Doughnut.
  • Contact me if you are interested.  I'll create a Zoom link and send it to you:  sanfordhinden@verizon.net





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