Transforming places with Doughnut Economics: webinar 1 (Past)

Hearing from community-led initiatives in Leeds, UK and Melbourne, Australia

It has been incredibly exciting for us at DEAL to see a growing number of initiatives across the world exploring how to apply the ideas of Doughnut Economics to transform their place. 

Drawing from the concepts of Doughnut Economics, and adapting and contextualising DEAL’s tools, pioneering local and regional governments, and pioneering communities have been innovating and taking action in many different ways - convening change-makers and developing new visions for their places, creating new metrics using the City Portrait methodology (now relaunched as Doughnut Unrolled), designing new decision-making and planning processes, and embedding the Doughnut into policies and strategies. 

Starting in May, DEAL will be hosting regular webinars, inviting many of these change-makers to share their work with the wider DEAL Community. We will be hearing from different social and geographic contexts, from local governments and communities, from the so-called global South and global North. We are also planning to hold the webinars in different time zones, making sure that wherever you may be in the world, you could join us for some of these.

So please do join us for the first online webinar on 18 May @ 10.00 - 11.00 am (London time), where we will be hearing from two community-led initiatives focusing on the transformation of places:

  • Leeds Doughnut, part of Climate Action Leeds in the UK, have been holding community and youth workshops and are about to launch their Leeds Doughnut data-led four lenses report on 28th April, to initiate the wider community conversation across the city and stakeholders.

  • Regen Melbourne in Australia, launched Towards a Regenerative Melbourne in April 2021 - the culmination of an extensive community-led research process drawing together the lived-experience and aspirations of the residents of Melbourne. Regen Melbourne has recently relaunched and are beginning the next phase their work, including practical place-based projects, research to enrich their vision with measurement data, story telling, events and gatherings.

Following each presentation, there will be an opportunity for webinar participants to ask questions. 

Note that this webinar will be held at a time that is more friendly to members of the DEAL Community across Asia / Oceania, and our second webinar that is coming soon will be held at a time more friendly to members across the Americas. 

All webinars will be recorded and shared back here on DEAL’s platform. 

How to join

The webinar will be held via Zoom, to join please register here. Alternatively, you can watch a live stream on YouTube or via the embedded video player below. You will be able to ask questions both via Zoom or via Youtube live chat.

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If you click on 'Add to calendar', you will be able to add the event to an external calendar and adjust the time to your local time zone. 





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