Transformative Play: bringing games to Doughnut Economics (Past)
Introducing and exploring the power of games and play in helping groups navigate complex conversations
Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
What the event recording below
Event timings: 16th February 6 - 8pm UK time
Are you interested in social dynamics and the power of games and play in helping groups navigate complex conversations?
DEAL is collaborating with Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre (The Climate Centre) to offer the DEAL community an experience of the world of serious games.
In the event we will play some games together online (learning by doing!), show and explore how the games can be used and adapted to your own context (whether that be in person or online), and hear some stories of how games have been applied in the context of The Climate Centre’s humanitarian work, from rural Zambia to the White House and from the Vatican to NASA.
How to register
Please fill out this registration form and we'll send you the zoom link for the event.

Who the event is for
This event is for people who are either familiar with the ideas and tools of Doughnut Economics or those who are already applying them in any context, whether in your community, civil society organisation, public institution, business, school or university.
The event is particularly for people who are interested in exploring the potential of games to open up possibilities and overcome barriers when exploring transformational ideas like Doughnut Economics with others.

What you’ll get from the event
Experience and learn about some practical games that you can apply in your own context (be it in your community, civil society organisation, public institution, business, school or university).
Understand how serious play can help you to introduce, explore and apply the ideas and tools of Doughnut Economics, and overcome barriers to adoption and application, by providing participants opportunities to turn their game-experience into insights and new pathways of possibility.
Hear stories of how games have been applied in the context of humanitarian work, from rural Zambia to the White House and from the Vatican to NASA.
About Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre
The Climate Centre aims to create modalities for people to engage with the humanitarian objectives of the Red Cross - to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. Innovative community engagement approaches, such as art, humour and gameplay, plays a role in these modalities.
Learn about their work by visiting https://www.climatecentre.org/

Rob Shorter
London, England, United Kingdom
Communities & Art Lead at DEAL. Excited to explore how the holistic goal of the Doughnut opens a space for collective imagining and action within communities of place and purpose around the world. Get in touch by going to the DEAL Contact Form and selecting 'Communities & Art'
Jana Pavelkova
Anna Louise Gurney
My experience includes over twenty years in formal secondary education, fifteen years studying and writing on global justice and regenerative cultures, ten years in the field of Permaculture, during which time I founded and built up the Boodaville Association. The Boodaville Association provides opportunities for learning about permaculture, ecology and designing regenerative cultures. We are developing a land project and demonstration site in the Matarranya region of Spain – 2.5 hours from Barcelona, and we coordinate EU projects with the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ programs. I am currently focusing on delivering in person Doughnut Economics workshops in English and Spanish in and around Barcelona and am interested in running teacher trainings, helping to develop educational activities and games, and supporting initiatives that get Doughnut Economics into formal education.
Jennifer Brandsberg-Engelmann
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany
Rana Sajjad
Lahore, Pakistan
Rana Sajjad is a dual-qualified lawyer (licensed in New York and Pakistan) having over 20 years’ experience of practicing law in Pakistan and the U.S. in practice areas including contracts, cross-border transactions, commercial litigation and domestic and international arbitration. Sajjad is the Founder & President of the Center for International Investment and Commercial Arbitration (CIICA), Pakistan’s first international arbitration center and a Partner at the Lahore-based law firm of Rana Ijaz & Partners. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and an accredited mediator of the Singapore International Mediation Institute (SIMI). Economics was my favorite subject in my O and A levels and I also majored in it in my undergraduate studies. I am an avid book reader and recently read "Doughtnut Economics" which completely transformed my perspectives on economics and it almost felt like whatever I had learned about economics in my 7 years of high school and university was not correct or even appropriate. I now believe that economics can be a force for good and an agent of change and would, therefore, like to learn more and be actively involved in some capacity to bring about change in Pakistan's economy in particular and the regional and global economy in general.
Karin Eyben
Garvagh, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Rieta Aliredjo
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands
Helping create a life of freedom, equal opportunity and a shared responsibility for our planet is at the heart of my why. This has led to choosing social entrepreneurship, working on the transition to the doughnut economy. The doughnut economy feels like home to me. It is the world I want to live in. I have not encountered any other metaphor, framework or model that - to me - feels so complete. Within it everything I find important fits.
Rachel Lyn Rumson
Maine, USA
What brings me to this community is that I work in my community for climate and economic action. I started a low-profit limited liability company to continue my work as a "permaculture developer" which is a planning and development approach to applied permaculture and design thinking. I am an activist that is committed to social innovation and I have a fierce ecological imagination. I have been writing and practicing "regenerative leadership" the best I can since 2007. Being an ancestor that did something is a deep edge and I work on my own healing there, as part of our collective healing. This is the scale where my leverage is the greatest and my capacity as a facilitator expands. I have navigated the local governance structure and funding opportunities, (not always has my work been funded) to offer a program that started a week ago, as 207permaculture. The day that I signed a contract with the State of Maine to provide services to three municipalities and one school district, for one year, to activate a network that will learn together and act together on climate and economic projects in the region, I saw The Schumacher Institute talk by Kate Rawworth in my email box. After the talk, joined my action co-lab would be well served to use these tools. The intergeneration and interdisciplinary group of leaders that gather will be approaching their town leadership and the State's Climate Action Plan Program Director with a vision of a thriving rural bioregion, and request support for their action plans. It is my hope that they will spinning off several other social innovations, educational pathways and businesses as well. I have a BA in Sociology from the University of Southern Maine, a MA in Applied Behavioral Science from the Leadership Institute of Seattle at Bastyr University, Advanced Permaculture Design Certifications, Soil Food Web Lab Certification. I am a Mom, a friend, a sister, a partner, unwed, a home cook, a future ancestor, a grant writer, a group facilitator, an educator and an serial entrepreneur. My pronouns are she and her.
Brad Macpherson
Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland
Greenie, Allotmenteer, Beekeeper, IT and Engineering nerd.
Natalia van der Wee
Utrecht, The Netherlands
I'm an educational management professional. Currently I'm contributing to the better future of the world working at MasterPeace foundation. As a member of the so called Core Team, I develop innovative educational products for Non-formal education on topics of peace building, sustainability, art for social change. Interested in #wholechilddevelopment and #gamification in education.