The Doughnut for Cities & Regions: A Doughnut Initiatives Sharing Session (Past)
An online sharing session feat. six initiatives, part of the programme of the 8th International Degrowth Conference.

Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
The restless expansion of our economies is causing unprecedented crises and threatening our very existence. The 8th International Degrowth Conference, 24—28 August 2021 (online + in-person in the Hague, NL), aims to raise awareness about potential pathways out of these crises.
To no surprise, the Doughnut Model plays a role, too!
As part of the 4-day conference programme, this 90-minutes online sharing session is going to feature six cities and regions (Amsterdam, Belgrade, Berlin, Devon, California, Rio de Janeiro). The speakers of each city/region will share their diverse insights on local doughnut initiatives, including initiation, goals, organising process and recent developments, followed by an interactive Q&A.
- Ana Lavaquial, cofounder LivMundi, an impact network-based movement in Rio de Janeiro
- Jane Brady, co-founder of the Bioregional Learning Centre, convener of the Devon Doughnut Collective
- Jared Ruiz Bybee, California Doughnut Economics Coalition
- Miloš Kovačević, Researcher at the Platform for Theory and Practice of Commons, Belgrade
- Patrick Léon Gross, co-founder Donut Berlin
- Rieta Aliredjo, Social Entrepreneur, Advocate and Activist for Circular and Doughnut Economy, Amsterdam
- Rob Shorter, DEAL Community and Education Lead
How to attend:
To attend this session you will need to sign up for the conference as a whole. You can click here to register. Payment is on a sliding scale. For more information and practical details you can also consult the registration manual.
Further information on the conference:
With its overall theme, Caring Communities for Radical Change, we highlight that care – through solidarity and justice – is central to degrowth as a collective project promoting sustainable, decolonial, feminist and post-capitalist modes of flourishing. The conference will be an invitation to build bridges between social movements, art, research and other practices, bringing together a range of different perspectives and actors.
Julia Karch
Bremen, Deutschland
Ryan Morgan
Ana Paula Santos
São Paulo, Brasil
Hi! I'm Ana Paula! I'm an economist and currently studying for a master's degree in Economics at the Federal University of Alfenas, in Minas Gerais.
Emily Davies O'Sulliva
Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Felipe Soraires
Rosario, Argentina
Born in Argentina, where I lived most of my life. Lover of nature, travelling, outdoor sports and chill with friends. Professional in International Relations with experiences in different type of jobs, from government to NGOs and start-ups. In the last few years I've started my transition towards sustainability/Circular Economy, looking to match my personal beliefs with my profession. We need to change the way we live and I want to be part of the solutions. Nací en Argentina, donde viví la mayor parte de mi vida. Ahora entre Argentina y España. Amante de la naturaleza, viajar, los deportes al aire libre y relajarse con amigos. Profesional en Relaciones Internacionales con experiencia en diferentes tipos de trabajos, desde gobierno hasta ONG y startups. En los últimos años he iniciado mi transición hacia la sostenibilidad/Economía Circular, buscando hacer coincidir mis creencias personales con mi profesión. Necesitamos cambiar la forma en que vivimos y quiero ser parte de las soluciones.
Anahi Gonzalez
Maya Zuckerman
San Francisco, California, United States of America
I'm a Regenerative Entrepreneurs working in multiple startups and projects. I am seeking to bridge and support the intersectionality and well-being of organizational systems, and applying regenerative design, circular economies to create a better world for all of us. I currently work with social startups aligning with the SDG, WEF as a curator for Globally New Mobility Coalition, and co-chairing a Diversity & Inclusivity ethics committee with IEEE on AI/AS. I'm studying for my circular economy MBA at Bradford UNI and have been part of the regenerative movement for a few years.
Conny Bergé
Huizen, Noord-Holland, Nederland
Independent and experienced activist, board member, advisor and expert on public affairs, from local to global. Active in various movements advocating i.a.: better democracy, monetary reform, education, gender, time use and a fair and healthy economy, all from an integral perspective. At the same time involved in connecting these movements to effect system changes through concretel projects, all fitting smoothly in the values and goals of the doughnut economy. Real projects that aim for a redesign of the underlying systems, like the obsolete political and voting system, the unfair and unsafe monetary system, but also projects that are producing proper educational material, publishing position papers, promoting health and environmental measures and will scaling down the negative impact of financialization, globalization and digitalization. Always with a focus on implementing the Human, Women’s and Children’s Rights and the SDG’s.
Maxime Bouillon
Eva Marina Valencia Leñero
Mexico City, Mexico
| Sustainability Transitions Specialist | Co-Founder of Mexico City's Doughnut Economic Coalition + Scaling Coordinator in CIMMYT-CGIAR After finishing my MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management in Lund University with a thesis to downscale the doughnut for Mexico City's water policies, I learned research was not enough to make a change. For this reason, I have co-founded the Tricolor Coalition (Mexico City's Doughnut Economic Coalition) to collaborate with other agents of change to promote sustainability transitions in Mexico City. We are now developing community, informative, and capacity building activities to support Mexico City's agents of change interested in promoting this transition. I am currently also working as a Scaling Coordinator in the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. In my job, I continue to learn about systems thinking approaches, and about what types of food innovations could be scaled (why? and where?) to create more impact. Moreover, I also have experience in international and national public administrations, and I have specialized in the water-food-energy sectors and climate change challenges.