Milton Keynes Donut Day (Past)
An in-person event for people & organisations in Milton Keynes on how Donuts can help to sustain people and the planet?
Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
Milton Keynes Donut Day
People, groups and organisations of Milton Keynes are invited to come and learn how Donuts can help us to sustain people and the planet. Drop-in to our exhibition and help us imagine, reach for and start to design a better future together.
Who we are
We are Milton Keynes Doughnut Economics Group with a vision of a City thriving within the earth’s boundaries.
We are affiliated with Transition Town MK who organise local action for low-carbon communities.
We are active in the Citizens Milton Keynes’ Green Alliance as well as in the new Milton Keynes Climate Action Network.
We collaborate with the global Doughnut Economics Action Lab community. Our event is part of their global festival.
What’s the worry?
How can our communities respond to the rise in energy costs and the cost of living? How do we keep ourselves, our families and our neighbours healthy and well? How can we restore biodiversity and ensure water and soil health and achieve food security? Come and share your concerns and remedial ideas.
Let’s look for the sweet spot
The doughnut model is a different way of doing economics that provides a safe space or sweet spot for all our economic activity, which will keep us within planetary boundaries and meet people’s needs.
Discover the MK City Portrait
We have begun compiling an MK City Portrait as a tool to understand how regenerative and distributive we are in Milton Keynes. It could help us confront, together, the complex choices ahead if we are to live fairly and sustainably, and strike a balance with nature.
Share the Good News
Over the past 12 months, people have dropped in to connect with us. The good news is that doughnut activity is already being applied in Milton Keynes. We have listened, collected stories and published some of those.
Global Connection
# GlobalDonutDay
There will be moments throughout the day to connect with other local Donut festivals across the world. These moments of connection will include talks from Doughnut Economics’ founder Kate Raworth and from practitioners from around the world.