London Doughnut Economics Coalition Meet Up (Past)

6th all-hands meeting of the London Doughnut Economics coalition

Sign-up via Eventbrite here:

Please note this meeting was previously advertised as taking place on Tuesday, 4th of May at 7pm. 
The meeting has moved to Tuesday, 11th of May at 7pm (1 hour).

We are a band of curious dough-nutters, who believe in the art of possible & seek to create a thriving London fit for 21st-century, based on a strong social foundation whilst respecting planetary boundaries.

If what you’ve read so far resonates with you, why not come along and join us, be part of the conversation and an exciting journey of change.

Our Agenda for this month is:
- New joiners
- ‘Data Evidence’ team’s update
- Book club - who else wants to join?
- What’s new with ‘Global doughnut Coalition’?
- ‘Public Awareness’ team’s update

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes,

Blanca, Azi and all the dough-nutters




    1 comment
    Alex Papworth almost 4 years ago

    Eventbrite says this runs from 7pm to 9:30pm. I am hoping this is a mistake!

    0 0

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