HES 2021: Daring to transform learning - for a future proof economy (Past)
This is an International online mini-conference about transforming (higher) education for a future proof economy.
Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
During this international mini-conference, we bring together the changemakers who, each from their discipline, want to rethink our economy into a safe and fair space for humanity through higher education.
You will have the opportunity to engage with these inspirational keynote speakers:
- Kate Raworth, known for her bestseller 'Doughnut economics: seven steps to an economy for the 21st century’
- Mamphela Ramphele, co-president of the Club of Rome
- Garry Jacobs, CEO of the World Academy of Art & Science
- Learn with Jelleke de Nooy van Tol (Catalyst4Change) how the 4 E's can support transition processes for safe and just humanity (engage, encourage, enable, exemplify)
- Write your story with Wendy Wuyts (author of 'Als Meubels Konden Spreken') to infuse the circular economy with social aspects via creative writing
- Take action with Bruno Delepierre (Happonomy) to get more quality of life from less consumption, or in short, to consume more consciously
- Step into the middle of society with Kathia Reynders (KU Leuven & UHasselt) in order to make the world more sustainable via Community Service Learning
- Organise with Sara Gilissen (UCLL) online and offline bootcamps with students and entrepreneurs about the circular economy using design thinking
- Learn with Evy Puelinckx & Griet Verbeeck (UHasselt) how students work with companies using the City Portrait Canvas to develop a project for a donut economy
- Explore with Gerben Nap (Social Trade Organisation) what higher education institutions can do locally to show the way to a more sustainable economy
- Create with Maha Ech-Chefaa (Enactus Morocco) social innovations to change the world locally and globally
- Discover your own misconceptions about other cultures and decolonise the curriculum in higher education with Latifah Abdou & Sebastian Van Hoeck (WeDecolonizeVUB & UCOS)
- Modernise economics education with Sam de Muijnck (Our New Economy) to engage young people for a better world
- Discover with Marilyn Mehlmann and Miriam Sannum (Legacy17) the role of money in society and what 'good money' for a better economic future can look like
You can register for the workshop of your choice when registering for the Higher Education Summit.
We will close the summit with a live debate between changemakers in business, higher education and students.
Will you take up the gauntlet for a more sustainable world? Register at our website and we see you on the 9th of December.
Lise Janssens
Mike Parsons
tom abeles
minneapolis, mn
retired academic in environmental studies and foresight. international consultant in renewable resources, cofounder and former editor, On the Horizon
Jovita Rodrigues
Sancoale Goa, India
I studied political science and economic, and practiced law . Now an Executive and Life Coach, interested in bringing transformation in my community and state, through this platform. To empower the youth to be more creative in the the way they want to live within the community and the world, so that they can bring about healthy changes in the environment.
Christa Romero
Maurizio Dallan
Treviso, Veneto, Italia
Birte Dohlen
Berlin, Deutschland
Khadijah Carberry
Maria Kontarini
Argostoli, Πελοπόννησος, Δυτική Ελλάδα και Ιόνιο, Greece
I have 20 years of professional experience in diplomacy & politics, business consultancy, psychotherapy & counselling, talent & leadership development. I have served 10 years as a diplomat for the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I have worked as a manager for 5 years in an international HR consultancy firm in The Hague and since 2015 I have been working as a person-centered practitioner with individuals and organisations helping them to build healthy interpersonal relations and organisational structures. My mission is to promote social evolution and cohesion by applying the principles of the person-centered approach in social settings, politics and conflict transformation.
Brett Barker
Hello, I am currently a college student working towards my degree in English education and am excited to be a part of this community.