Global Donut Day - Scotland (Past)

Celebrating the Global Donut Day Festival with the students of Innovation School and the wider Scottish community

Global Donut Day - Scotland 

Monday 13th November, 2023

Doughnut Economics - Scotland Network in Collaboration with Innovation School, Glasgow School of Arts.

We are excited to host the event for the first Global Donut Day for Scotland. It is all about celebrating local action and global connection. This event is an opportunity to understand and explore the concepts of Doughnut Economics, hear from the practitioners how they are embedding the Doughnut Economics framework in their work, and a platform to contribute in this area.

The Doughnut Economics offers a vision of what it means for humanity to thrive in the 21st century with the aim of meeting the needs of all people within the means of the living planet. 


Hybrid Event:

Online from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm: Register here

Glasgow In Person (for Staff and Students) from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm: Glasgow School of Art - The Innovation School, Haldane Building.

Forres In Person  (for Staff and Students) from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm: GSA Highlands Campus - Forres, Altyre Estate.


Plan for the day

Part 1: Understanding Doughnut Economics - What is it, and why is it relevant for us as a collective?
9:35 am to 10:25 am Joining GDD Online programme - Presentation of Doughnut Economics. core concepts by Kate Raworth.

10:30 am to 10:35 am Welcome By GSA (Iain, Chris, Simon, John)

10:35 am to 10:50 am Vision for Scotland's Doughnut Economics Network with a showcase of projects from Scotland by Vinishree 

10:50 am to 11:05 am  Rebecca Lee - DEAL Accessibility Lead for Global Donut Day

Rebecca will introduce some of the outcomes of DEAL and Universal Recognition Movement’s co-creative project. Together they have produced a first draft of accessibility tool-kit for the Creative Commons for GDD.

10 mins Break

11:15 am to 12:00 noon Talk by William Thomson - Scotonomics, including 10 mins of Q&A

Do you know as much as a mainstream economist? I bet you do!
William, founder of Scotonomics, will show that what you know about the economy affects your view of the potential of the doughnut. In an interactive session William will frame the economic conditions for a successful implementation of the doughnut. 

12:00 noon to 12:30 pm Talk by Claire Dufour - CULTIVATE, including 5 mins of Q&A

How do we create safer, braver and more equitable spaces where we can learn from each other, and imagine/shape a better future together? Claire, Creative Dundee’s Creative Climate Producer, will share more about CULTIVATE, a regional leadership programme which places creativity at the heart of climate justice, developing action with local communities – a chance to see how the doughnut economy principles are translated into reality.

10 mins Break

12:40 pm to 1:00 pm Talk by Melanie Frances, including 5 mins of Q&A

Mel Frances is a game designer, digital storyteller and creative mathematician. She makes interactive experiences - books, performances and games - that travel to unknown places, speculative futures and alternative realities. Mel will talk about her project The Doughnut (working title) which is a piece of escape-room style game theatre about the doughnut economy. 


1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Lunch Break


Part 2: Doughnut Economics – Our Individual and Collective Actions

2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Workshop by Vinishree in Glasgow and Chris in Forres (For GSA Students & staff)

Activity 1 (45 mins): Step into the Doughnut 

Activity 2 (45 mins): The Economist Game

Register here.
Join the LinkedinGroup or contact the organiser @Vinishree Solanki ( for more info.




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