Global Donut Day: Inspiring Change in Cornwall (Past)
Cornwall's contribution to Global Donut Day, celebrating & inspiring the potential for transforming how we live & work.
Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
On 13 November 2023, the Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL) is coordinating the first ever
Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics model seeks to bring all people into a safe and just space whilst respecting Earth’s planetary boundaries. Doughnut Economics envisages businesses and communities which regenerate the environment and their local area and share the value they create.
The University of Exeter is proud to be taking part in Global Donut Day, with a series of events across its Penryn campus in Cornwall any beyond, which seek to bring together students, businesses and the wider community to learn, collaborate, inspire and ultimately act as a catalyst for positive change.
The festival will include three sessions, with content provided by Kate Raworth and the worldwide DEAL community, as well as by local Doughnut enthusiasts and trailblazers:
09:00 - 12:00
The Doughnut and Universities (Penryn Campus)
What does it mean for a university to operate within the Doughnut? How can staff and students come together to explore the potential for transformative change. During this session we have the opportunity to connect with others around the world working on using the Doughnut, as well as hearing from Kate Raworth on the latest thinking behind the model. Come for the whole session or drop in when you can, all are welcome!
13:00 - 15:30
The Doughnut and Business (Penryn Campus)
How can Cornwall's business and enterprise community work towards the Doughnut? What support can we provide each other? How can we learn from what others are doing? During this session we will link up to groups in other countries around the world to hear what is working elsewhere, and then work through activities and resources to help apply the ideas in practice in Cornwall. Whether you are a business, charity, or any other type of organisation, join us and help shape an ongoing network of peer support.
17:30 - 21:00
The Doughnut and Community (Pendennis Community Centre)
Join us in the former Ships & Castles Leisure Centre for a truly unique evening! At 6pm we will join the Global Donut Day activities online, hearing from Kate Raworth and other projects around the world. We will then play with the Doughnut in an empty swimming pool, exploring how our local community sits within the model, and how we can use it for positive social and ecological change. We will end with another celebration with the global community, and plans for how to keep up our local momentum. Food and tea/coffee will be provided.
You are welcome to join us at any or all of these sessions - please indicate on the registration form which sessions you plan to attend. Refreshments will be provided, so please let us know if you have any dietary requirements.
This event has been kindly funded through the ESRC Festival of Social Science.