Evolving Economic & Political Systems for Earth with Doughnut Economics (Past)
Join this fun colearning group to understand tools for new economic and political systems for Earth.

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Doughnut Economics is based on:
HUMAN NEEDS fulfillment of Water, Food, Energy, Health, Housing, Education, Income & work, Political voice, Networks, Peace & justice, Gender equality and Social equity.
EARTH CONCERN remediation of Climate change, Ocean acidification, Chemical pollution, Nitrogen & phosphorus loading, Freshwater withdrawals, Land conversion, Biodiversity loss, Air pollution, and Ozone layer depletion.
- Throughout history, most humans were not well-educated.
- Most people were probably self-centered, some caring about their families, many were competitive to protect themselves and survive.
- For thousands of years, it was a cruel world with dominators, invaders, conquerors, enslavers and exploiters.
- Then there was feudalism and poverty for most people.
- The U.S. was based on exploitation of the native people and imported slaves.
- It has been a cruel world for many over these thousands of years.
- We are still seeing a world of dominators and the dominated, exploiters and the exploited.
- Politics has become hyper-competitive, with disinformation campaigns on social media, political lying, voting suppression and voting district rigging to ensure the protection of political, social and economic interests.
- In a world of hypersonic nuclear weapons, it is becoming clear that without peace, we will not survive the climate emergency because violence, conflict and war take up our resources, as well as our attention and focus, while business damages land, water and air, spewing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
- National political and geo-political systems, and economic and business systems, were created with lower levels of consciousness.
- We need to understand how to create peace and collaboration for a better world, for humanity and nature.
- We need to evolve new conscious economic and political systems to create a sustainable, flourishing world for all and nature.
- We support Doughnut Economics as a conscious, evolutionary model.
- You can join this monthly conversation and support each other as we co-learn and co-evolve together.
- This is a lively, fun conversation on the third Sunday of each month at 12 pm EST.
- Tell your friends. Let's make colearning, coevolution, collaboration and cocreating fun.
Here is our present document we are codeveloping for free global distribution to help humanity evolve.
Sanford Hinden
Dix Hills, New York, United States of America
I provide programs for: ⢠Education for wisdom and wellbeing  https://wisocracy.world/ ⢠Peace and the environment  https://mutuallyassuredsurvival.world/ ⢠Personal, relationship and social-global development  https://wisocracy.world/development-programs
Joerg Osarek
Bad Homburg vor der HĂśhe, Hessen, Deutschland
I have been in the IT and 3D-creative business since around 1990. I am IT entrepreneur and Consultant, book author and keynote speaker for Game changing technologies. My aim is to offer guidance for our civilization how to qualify for the 22nd century by our actions today. After understanding the urgency of the climate crisis in 2019 I started my engagement in various climate action initiatives and founded ClimateHackerz.com with the mission: Transformation into a climate positive civilization with utmost urgency. Kate Raworth's book Doughnut economics is a great framework for our transformation into a climate positive, sustainable and healthy civilization and circular economy and society.
Marilyn Hamilton
Findhorn Ecovillage, Scotland, United Kingdom
Marilyn is the AQtivator of Integral City Meshworks and the author of the Integral City Book Series. With the Master Code of Care, she is reinventing the city as an evolutionary, complex adaptive âhuman hiveâ. Using Integral frameworks and biomimicry consciousness she is schooling a planet of Integral Cities as Gaiaâs Reflective Organs.
Neil Burston
Swindon, England, United Kingdom
Business Analyst by Day, Late in Life Climate & Ecological Activist by Night Specialist Generalist Primary focus is on tackling Wicked Problems, designing optimising pathways, improving journeys, towards desired outcomes.
Alison Malisa
Sebastopol, California, United States of America
On a moral mission to redesign the way we teach and think about economics, putting peace, prosperity, regeneration, and wellbeing first.
Daphne Fecheyr
Ghent, Vlaanderen, Belgium
Biomimicry thinker & future-proof strategist
Natalie Hancock
Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia
Senior strategic land use planner
Shannon Coles
Otley, West Yorkshire
I am a volunteer with Otley 2030, a group set up to work with our community to build a climate friendly and socially just town
Eugenia Chow
Maya Goldman
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
I work as an economist, on poverty and inequality, for a few different institutions - the University of Cape town, the Word Bank, the Commitment to Equity Institute. I like to bridge theory and policy, and I consider it a matter of social justice and pride to communicate in simple, less formal language. I am also trained and in-training as a coach and facilitator, but haven't had much practice.